FunWhy do some farts smell so bad?

Why do some farts smell so bad?

Some flatulence, which is the scientific term to define farts, is really intense and not only in the noise they emit when they are expelled but also in the smell they leave behind, but why do some farts smell so bad? Why do some Farts smell so bad? No one is saved that on some occasion a fart has escaped, or that he has been conscious and has decided to expel it since he could not avoid it, but although most flatulence goes unnoticed, there are others that leave a really strong and really unpleasant smell Humans eliminate excess gases (carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and sometimes methane) with an average of 14-15 farts per day, enough to eliminate, on average, 0, 5 to two liters of gases that “remain” in our body. We understand then that the vast majority are not even noticeable but others are. The cause of the smell of some farts The terrible stench of fart is caused by bacteria that release gases that contain sulfur in the intestine. The gas comes from ingesting air and bacteria present in the large intestine (colon). We all ingest small amounts of air when we eat and drink. But if we eat and drink fast, if we are in the habit of chewing gum, smoking or getting dental implants, we take in more air. The same air can rise or fall. Upwards it goes faster and that is why we burp more than the average flatulence we expel. When we do not digest food, it goes from the small to the large intestine, where the bacterial flora digests some of it producing hydrogen, carbon dioxide and, in many but not all people, methane: these gases are expelled in the form of a fart. What foods produce the gas?On the other hand, some foods are more likely to cause the release of gas not only to be more recurrent but also to make the smell much more intense.Among the foods that produce gases we have the beloved sugars and within these, we have raffinose, lactose, fructose and sorbitol. And where are they located? raffinose is found in beans, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, whole grains, and various vegetables. Lactose is found in milk, cheese, bread, ice cream, salads, cereals, and even dressings. Fructose is found in pears, artichokes, onions, wheat, some sodas, and some fruit juices. Sorbitol is found in peaches, apples, pears, and prunes, sweeteners, and diet foods, candy, and chewing gum. Starches, such as those in dough, wheat, and potatoes, produce gas, while rice does not produce any gas. being one of the few foods that if taken without any seasoning it is impossible to make you have flatulence.

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