FunWhy is the International Day of Families celebrated on...

Why is the International Day of Families celebrated on May 15?

Every May 15, the International Day of Families is celebrated worldwide to vindicate the role of families in society, education and culture as the engine of life. It is also celebrated to promote ties and family unity as unique values for the development of the society in which we live. Since the 1980s, this day has been celebrated as something of protest for all families in the world. But it was in 1994 when the United Nations Organization stipulated this day to celebrate it globally, taking into account the family as the central nucleus and as the engine of society.The UN understands by family a group of people who are united by a blood and emotional ties, and that, in general, they tend to live together. Throughout history, this definition has been modifying its form to include all the types of families that we can find today. Family unites us. We go to her on happy occasions and difficult ones. The family provides compassion and understanding in times of distress. The # DíaDeLasFamilias, this May 15, celebrates the care, support and love that they give us. United Nations (@UN_es) May 14, 20212021: Families and technology This year the UN dedicates May 15 to the relationship of families with social networks and new technologies. During this pandemic, it has been shown that new technologies are essential to establish links between families, that is why on this International Day of Families 2021, technologies and their responsible use are the fundamental axis of the discourse that the UN wants to share at a global level According to the organization itself, this year will serve as preparation and development for the celebration in 2024, of the thirtieth anniversary of this Family Day around the world. Impact on networks As every year, social networks become a great speaker for the celebration of this International Day of Families and many users, organizations, companies and governments join the celebration with messages about the family and its role in society. “I have a great family” tells the story of Hugo, a boy who is reeling off his wide and beloved #family, inverting the negative topics associated with #Africa. The book also raises questions on topics such as #polygamy or #adoptionhttps: // t .co / l0MhWG5C1W # diadelasfamilias – Paint-Paint (@PintarPintar) May 13, 2021 # 15M21 Because family is love Because there are many types of family and we all deserve equal treatment and recognition Because all families are equal and There are no minors of good or bad families For everything, let’s celebrate # DíaDeLasFamiliasInternational Family Day💐 – Pedro Fuentes 🏳️‍🌈🇪🇸💚 (@PeFuCas) May 14, 2021Today is celebrated # DíaDeLasFamilias and from @masfamilia we launched the #Familiasefr campaign to remember that conciliation constitutes one of the most effective levers for the well-being of families – Masfamilia Foundation (@masfamilia) May 15, 2021

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