NewsWith Tempo 417 over A2: public prosecutor determined

With Tempo 417 over A2: public prosecutor determined

“Inappropriate speed, grossly contrary to traffic and recklessly moved”: His ride made headlines nationwide. Now the Czech millionaire has to answer to the judiciary.

Stendal – After driving at up to 417 kilometers per hour on the Autobahn 2, the public prosecutor’s office in Stendal initiates investigations against a Czech millionaire.

The prosecution will determine as soon as all documents have been received and recorded, said a spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office. This could happen during the week. Among other things, the “image” had previously reported about it. The police initially investigated the case and have now passed their results on to the public prosecutor’s office.

The speeder is accused of a prohibited motor vehicle race in the sense of a single trip. According to the Criminal Code, a so-called solo race is also punishable if the driver “moves at an inappropriate speed and grossly contrary to traffic and recklessly in order to reach the highest possible speed”. The millionaire faces a prison sentence of up to two years or a fine. However, the facts must first be checked carefully, said the spokesman for the prosecution in the city in Saxony-Anhalt.

At the beginning of the year, the millionaire posted a video on the internet in which he was heating over the A2 between Berlin and Hanover. The apparently filmed speedometer shows a speed of up to 417 kilometers per hour. This and other videos are said to have been created in July 2021. The recordings on the Internet had caused a nationwide sensation and many outraged reactions. dpa

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