FunWorld Dog Day: Why is this day celebrated and...

World Dog Day: Why is this day celebrated and the best phrases?

This July 21, World Dog Day is celebrated, a date to remember the love and care for this animal that is in many homes. The accent is placed on campaigns to not abandon dogs, as it is an action that has grown over the years.

According to Animal Health, in Spain there are 13 million pets, of which 93% are dogs that live mainly in cities, sharing the little space of all, both in homes and in parks and streets.

Why is this day celebrated?

World Dog Day originated on July 21, since 2004, in order to raise awareness about the abandonment of these animals, so it is a special date to love your pet, give it love and remember that it should not be abandoned , because if by necessity we must, we can always give it up for adoption.

This day has its special celebrations around the world. For example, in various stores there are special offers and even acts or events with animals. One more year, the pandemic will reduce these celebrations but not their special symbol.

The best phrases to celebrate this day

The simple fact that my dog loves me more than I love him is such an undeniable reality that every time I think about it, I feel ashamed.

We have a lot to learn from dogs; because they live from day to day, every hour, even every moment. Robert Falcon Scott

A dog will teach you what unconditional love is. If you have this in life, everything else will not be so bad. Robert wagner

If you pick up a hungry dog from the street and make him prosperous, he won’t bite you; that’s the main difference between a dog and a man.

The most important lesson a dog can teach us is this: never trust the postman. Sian Ford

It is shameful for our species that being the dog the best friend of the man, the man is the worst friend of the dog. Eduardo Lamazon

For whatever reason, few things fill one with more happiness than seeing a dog being a dog. Jonathan Safran Foer

Have you ever walked into a room and forgot what you were going to do there? I think this is how dogs should feel every day. Sue murphy

Killing an animal to make a fur coat is a sin. It wasn’t supposed to be that way and we have no right to. A woman gains status when she refuses to have anything killed be put on her back. So it is really beautiful. Doris Day

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