FunYou know the tissues of the human body and...

You know the tissues of the human body and their functions

Although it is true that, in particular fields, such as medicine or biology, the term tissues of the human body is very common, it is also true that most of us incorporate it into our daily lexicon without understanding its full meaning.

In the first instance, we must say that when we talk about tissues, we refer to those organic materials, made up of cells, that act together in order to fulfill certain objectives , and that share a common embryonic origin.

Tissues are present in the most advanced or complex living beings, from the point of view of their structural conformation, and each of their cells is not only essential for the others, but also depends on them to carry out their tasks, contributing to that interdependence.

Then, we can affirm that both the body of animals and that of people, which develop from multicellular forms of the highest level, are in turn supported by different basic tissues, well distinguishable between them, the following:

Main tissues of the human body and their functions

Epithelial tissue

This is the name given to the tissue that finally establishes the limits of the human body, since these cells constitute the skin, and therefore its name, which derives from the cortex or epithelium.

In turn, within this tissue we have both squamous cells and cuboidal cells.

Its function is aimed at protecting internal tissues against external aggressions, such as those of the environment, as well as infections and aggressions from outside actors.

Muscle tissue

The muscular tissue symbolizes, for the human body, the foundations of a building, since it gives it solidity and dictates what are the limits of possible movements.

Its cells are characterized by great flexibility and, furthermore, we can subdivide it into skeletal muscle tissue, cardiac muscle tissue, and smooth muscle tissue.

Connective or connective tissue

Connective tissue, in consideration of its actions within the body, can be of one kind or another. In any case, it is there for the systematic integration and support of the body.

There are specialized and other non-specialized connective tissues, although they can also be classified according to their texture, between dense or fibrous, and lax.

Nervous tissue

Bringing together nerve cells, it includes both the brain and spinal cord, making it some of the most sensitive nerve endings in the entire body.

Here all the operations we carry out are administered, via somatic and autonomous systems.

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