Living10 depressing thoughts to avoid

10 depressing thoughts to avoid

Persistent sadness, anxiety, pessimism, loss of interest in doing activities that we used to like… there are many symptoms of depression, a mental health problem that, according to recent studies, has exploded during the pandemic. According to a study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders , 65% of the population has experienced some form of anxiety or depression after confinement.

A multitude of factors intervene in the development of depression, some more well known than others. It is known that there is a hereditary factor, but much information about the genetic basis of depression is still lacking. On the other hand, habits also influence: lack of vitamin D, not sleeping enough hours, sedentary life and with few social relationships or even the type of profession that is carried out may be relevant.

In any case, there are certain thoughts and attitudes that can also favor the development of a depressive picture. They are, in general, thoughts that do not contribute and that submerge us in a loop of pessimism that neither helps us to find practical solutions to our problems or to feel better.

So, in a time when we are all especially sensitive and in low spirits after a year of pandemic, it is worth stopping and doing self-examination to find out if we fall into any of these depressing thoughts and start avoiding them. Take note!

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