Fun5 TV series about time travel that you can't...

5 TV series about time travel that you can't miss

Wanting to travel back in time is the oldest desire of man, which has been explored on numerous occasions in the most famous science fiction films, such as Back to the Future. Today we can call ourselves experts on the subject. So it is increasingly difficult to find series that live up to the complexity we are looking for, but they do exist. We recommend below, the 5 television series about time travel that you cannot miss.

5 TV series about time travel that you can’t miss

There are many series and documentaries that over the last few years have focused on characters and stories in which the time and space factor were key . For example, Outlander is perhaps one of the most famous today and also one of the most recommended, but it is not the only one.

If you like science fiction and especially everything that has to do with time travel , don’t miss these five series currently on streaming platforms.

Dark (Netflix)

Besides Outlander, how not to mention Dark? Netflix’s German jewel unfolds over three temporal levels and begins the entire story from the disappearance of a child, which is the engine that uncovers dark secrets in the city of Windeon. The three historical periods we explore are 1953, 1986, and 2019 . The plot is based on the principle of self-consistency: characters who are able to move in time cannot change events or their destiny. And obviously not that of the others. The past, as such, is immutable and they can only be spectators of what happened, following the events as they unfold.

Loki (Disney +)

Impossible to keep out of this list Loki, a product of the MCU that has given a lot to talk about this year. In this series we face the TVA, an organization outside of space-time that monitors the timelines. In addition, the series focuses and shows us the variations, that is, alternative versions of the same person. It is, therefore, a game of timelines, which represents what will be the Marvel Multiverse of the future.

Russian Doll (Netflix)

In this case we are talking about a time loop . The protagonist of the series, Nadia, repeats her birthday countless times : the celebrations, the guests, etc., and each time the day ends with her death. Whatever it does.

Undone (Amazon Prime Video)

We moved to Amazon Prime, where we discovered Undone. The animated series is about Alma , a woman who, after being the victim of a car accident that brought her close to death, discovers that she has a new relationship with time . This engaging series explores the resilient nature of reality and leads viewers and Alma to discover the truth about her father’s death. The good news is that Amazon just renewed Undone for a second season.

The world of the future (Disney +)

This series is a bit different from the previous ones. In fact, it is a docuseries that explains to us through the typical American family, what a human being will be like in 1 million years . In this case, it is the viewer himself who takes a trip back in time seeing what the future of his species could be.

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