EntertainmentMovies & TV6 movies where cold and snow are another protagonist

6 movies where cold and snow are another protagonist

The storm Filomena has left images in our country that we had not seen for a long time. Half of Spain is under the white blanket of snow and the other with negative temperatures that will make the cold in the coming days the protagonist of numerous conversations at any time. To combat this unprecedented cold wave in our country caused by Filomena, The best and most recommended thing is to stay home and enjoy the scenery with a good cup of hot coffee and watching a movie. In this sense, we find a large number of titles where snow, cold and bad weather play a leading role, just what is happening right now with the storm Filomena, the great protagonist of the entrance of the new year. ‘Fargo’ – 1996 The Coen brothers’ film is already a classic of contemporary cinema. Its story, a thriller with touches of black comedy starring Frances McDormand, William H. Macy and Stece Buscemi, introduces us to the city of Fargo in North Dakota, where cold and snow are usually present for several months of the year. Contemporary classic, a man decides to hire two crooks to kidnap his wife in order to start a business after collecting the ransom money. Due to a series of misfortunes, there are three murders in the area, which will force the city police to act. In ‘Fargo’, the icy and snowy landscape becomes another protagonist of the action while the calm local police investigate the murders. ‘Let me in’ – 2008 It is unthinkable to think that a film shot in Sweden, the cold and the snow do not have a main role in a story that also draws on the fantasy of the vampire world.Oskar is a shy boy who is bullied at school and becomes friends with the strange Eli, a new neighbor who has arrived in his city. Eli’s arrival coincides with a series of strange murders and Oskar is suspicious of his friend. And it is that Eli is a vampire girl who has sought solitude and the Swedish cold to take refuge with her family. ‘The Revenant’ – 2015 The pair Alejandro González Iñárritu and Leonardo DiCaprio worked like a charm in this wonderful 2015 film that was Winner of several Oscars. Snow and cold play a fundamental role in the story, as its protagonist must cope with loneliness in harsh weather conditions. During an expedition to the American wilderness, Hug Glass is attacked by a bear and left for dead by his companions. Glass will have to survive the inclement weather, the wild animals and his own person to avoid falling into the American cold. ‘Snowbreaker’ – 2013 The Korean Bong Joon-ho before becoming worldwide known with his film ‘Parasites’, directed this dystopian story that was based on the famous comic by Jean Marc Rochette and Jacques Loeb. In ‘Snowbreaker’ which also has a more recent series on Netflix, the cold has reached the planet and only a series of people have managed to survive thanks to a train that travels non-stop around the world. A failed problem to solve global warming It almost ended up destroying the planet, only the passengers of this Snowpiercer managed to survive, but now they live trapped in a train that never stops and surrounded by extreme temperature outside.’The Hateful Eight’ – 2015 A western set on the cold slopes of a North American mountain pass is the premise used by Quentin Tarantino for one of his latest best-known works. ‘The Hateful Eight’ stars tall actors and American film classics such as Kurt Russell, Samuel L. Jackson, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tim Roth and Michael Madsen, among others. A stagecoach moves through wintry Wyoming with the intention of arriving quickly to Red Rock, but the road will be very long when they stumble upon a former soldier, Marquis Warren and Chris Mannix, a southern renegade who claims to be the sheriff. ‘The Shining’ – 1980 To end this short list you could not miss one One of the classic horror films of the 80s. ‘The Shining’ is based on the novel by Stephen King with the same name and that plays with the cold and snow to develop a disturbing story where madness emerges around every corner. Writer Jack Torrance moves with his wife and son to the Overlook Hotel in the cold mountains of Colorado to spend the winter and take care of maintenance work while it is closed to the public. Torrance needs a quiet place to write, but it will become a cage for him and his family who will have to fight the cold, snow and madness of Torrance.

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