LivingTravel7-minute training for business travelers

7-minute training for business travelers

When I travel, one of the things that is easy to pass up, even when I don’t want to, is to exercise. Between making my flights, changing hotels, and getting to my meetings on time, there is little time left for a solid and exciting workout.

But maybe there is hope! To help business travelers find new ways to fit effective exercise into a busy business travel schedule, I interviewed Chris Jordan, Director of Exercise Physiology at the Human Performance Institute. The Human Performance Institute is a division of Wellness & Prevention, a Johnson & Johnson company. Chris designed and implemented the exercise and movement components of the Institute’s Corporate Athlete and is responsible for the development and execution of all corporate fitness programming.

Institute for Exercise Physiology director Chris Jordan and Human Performance Institute performance coach Brett Klika co-authored a paper on the science behind High Intensity Circuit Training (HICT) and gave an example of what would be a proper training using those principles. That “7-minute” workout is perfect for business travelers because in addition to not taking a lot of time, it also relies on bodyweight exercises only, meaning you don’t have to have any fancy (or heavy) gear to do while traveling. .

What are some of the problems that business travelers have to stay in shape while traveling?

Business travelers or “corporate athletes” as we call them at the Institute for Human Performance, spend much of their time sitting on an airplane, work long hours, are always available with their smartphone, have “downtime” At the very least, they may not have easy access to a gym in their home or hotel, and they may not even have the time or motivation to do a long traditional workout.

Describe the 7-minute workout.

It is a high intensity circuit training (HICT) that combines aerobic exercises and resistance exercises using only body weight. There are 12 exercises in total, each performed for 30 seconds in rapid succession with minimal rest between exercises. A circuit, with 5-10 seconds of rest / transition between exercises, totals approximately 7 minutes.

Full details of the training can be found in the original magazine article.

What was the need / reason for its creation?

I designed this HICT training for time constrained business executives or “corporate athletes.” This workout is designed to be done in a hotel room with nothing more than a floor, a wall, and a chair, and incorporates both aerobic and resistance exercises. It deliberately relies on High Intensity Interval Training to be a short, intense, non-stop workout. It is a simple and accessible exercise solution for almost anyone, anywhere, anytime, that can provide a safe, effective and highly efficient workout.

Even the single parent who can’t afford a gym membership or expensive home exercise equipment could use it.

How is it different from the alternatives (existing workouts, just hitting the gym, etc.)?

It is a high intensity circuit training. Circuit-style training that incorporates resistance exercise has been around in one form or another for some time. The modern form of circuit training was developed in England in 1953. However, my design specifically incorporates aerobic exercises (eg jumping, running in place) and multi-joint resistance exercises (eg push-ups, squats) in a specific sequence to increase intensity and decrease total training time.

The specific exercise sequence allows one muscle group to recover a little while another is exercised. For example, lunges are followed by push-ups and rotation. Then the legs rest while you do the push-ups. This allows you to put more energy and intensity into each exercise and move right away with minimal rest between exercises. This can mean a very short but effective workout.

How could a 7 minute workout work?

Ideally, we recommend 2-3 circuits for a workout of approximately 15-20 minutes on three non-consecutive days each week. However, this workout is based on high intensity interval training and our research indicates that physical fitness benefits can be gained from high intensity interval training in as little as four minutes.

The key is intensity. The higher the intensity, the shorter the workout can be to provide similar fitness benefits. At the correct intensity, a single 7-minute circuit, performed regularly on three non-consecutive days a week, could provide moderate aerobic and muscular fitness benefits.

Plus, a single 7-minute circuit can boost your energy levels for a time after your workout ends. Of course, you must exercise within its safe limits, so we recommend anyone wanting to try this workout to obtain medical clearance from their doctor and use a certified fitness professional to assess their physical condition and guide them through. from your first workout.

HICT workouts can also be helpful for people trying to lose weight and body fat. First, HICT workouts burn a lot of calories in a relatively short workout, making them quick and efficient for weight loss. Second, these high intensity workouts can increase post-workout calories after burns more than moderate intensity workouts. Third, incorporating resistance exercise helps retain muscle mass and promotes fat loss. Finally, HICT workouts produce higher levels of catecholamines and growth hormone, both during and after training, which can further promote fat loss.

Many business travelers focus on cardio when traveling (jogging, walking, treadmills, etc.); Is there anything wrong with that?

Resistance training is just as important as aerobic (cardio) training. Resistance training helps maintain our muscle mass, boost our metabolism, keep our muscles, bones, and joints strong, prevent injury, and improve our body composition.

In general, you should do two resistance workouts each week. Skipping your resistance training while traveling can lead to muscle loss and compromise your overall fitness program. My HICT training combines aerobic and resistance training into one quick workout to help our corporate athletes maintain both aerobic and resistance training while “on the road.”

What aspect of good exercise do most people miss (or miss)? What is most likely to be missing from a workout?

Business travelers often skip resistance training and focus on aerobic training when away from home (see above).

Since business travelers are short on time, post-workout stretches are often skipped. This can lead to tense muscles and discomfort when sitting on airplanes and in long meetings. Poor flexibility can also compromise your exercise form and technique and make you more prone to injury.

Business travelers can also feel tired after international flights and long meetings. This can lead to prolonged, less motivated and energized workouts, such as jogging at a slow, comfortable pace for an hour or prolonged resistance training with lighter weights than usual and perhaps even poor form and technique. This is quantity over quality. Workouts should be quality over quantity. Business travelers want to recover and have a snack after a long flight or meeting, followed by a short, challenging and safe workout.

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