FunNature & Animal7 reasons to adopt a cat

7 reasons to adopt a cat

Felines climb every day in positions as pets in homes worldwide. In many countries they already outnumber their canine friends and in the vast majority of nations, dog and cat populations are practically equal .

We must also bear in mind that, since the cat is an animal that in most cases does not leave the home, many of them are not identified and, therefore, do not appear in the official records. So it would not be very wrong to affirm that, surely, reality contemplates a much greater number of felines.

Therefore, the cat is the undisputed king of the internet and is also the king of millions of homes. But the centuries of persecution they have suffered, the legends about bad omens… they still permeate today’s society. Many people love them, but many others continue to give them “a lot of respect”, fear or even hatred.

But if there is something that is true, it is that, even the most skeptical about the wonderful pets that are cats, once you open your house to one of them you will be spellbound. If not, think about how many people do you know who had never had a cat and once they had it they don’t stop talking about how wonderful it is?

There are many abandoned

The protection entities have hung the “full capacity” sign as far as animals are concerned, even more so if they are cats. Female cats have a higher reproductive capacity than female dogs. There are not enough homes to support the incessant stream of litters that are in the street, also that of puppies from cats with a home and whose reproduction is not controlled.

You save another who is homeless

Adopting a cat is an act of charity not only with the one you bring home, but also with the one who can take its place.

Do it in a protection entity. There are individuals who sell or give away puppies from the litters of their feline companions, but by giving them a home we will be promoting breeding between individuals while thousands of cats wait for a home.

They are exceptional animals

With a feline companion, you won’t be bored. Cats are agile and curious, with one of them at home you will experience many funny situations and they will appreciate the games in which we interact with them. We can even teach them tricks like giving their paw or lying down!

And are they less affectionate than a dog? Absolutely not. To begin with, a cat is not a dog. They are different species and their way of interacting with us is different. As with any animal, its character depends on each individual and, above all, on the socialization it has had with other animals and people. But cats can be tremendously affectionate companions.

You will gain in health

There are many studies that show that having a cat reduces cortisol levels and blood pressure, makes us have a stronger immune system and has a therapeutic effect.

So, people who live with a feline friend will benefit from their anti-stress capacity when they are petted, from their healing purrs, they will have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, they will improve their mental health and their defenses will be “in shape” to fight against pathogens.

It is a natural anti-insect

Cats are perfect hunting machines. His agility, speed and exceptional physique will be the worst enemy of any flying or crawling bug that enters the house.

In addition to being an extraordinary physical exercise and promoting their natural instincts, we will be able to enjoy their innate predatory abilities: amazing jumps, their stealth to surprise their prey, athletic runs and unimaginable pirouettes.

They are more independent than other pets

Many people believe that cats need less care than dogs. But once again, we make the mistake of speculating uninformed on the needs of felines.

They do not need less care, they need different care. It is true that they are more independent: we do not have to take them out to exercise or relieve themselves on the street, we can leave them alone if we go on a weekend trip as long as we provide them with enough food, water and clean absorbent bedding.

But we also have to vaccinate and deworm a cat (yes… even if it doesn’t leave the house, too), do regular health checks adapted to its health and age, give it good food, provide it with an environment that allows it to exercise and develop its natural instincts (scratchers, elements that allow them to climb to heights or climb…)

They are clean

Felines (except for health or behavioral problems or we are making a mistake with their box or hygienic bed) instinctively go to their litter box to relieve themselves. Its great hygiene is a virtue, but it also requires that we pay special attention to keeping its hygiene box spotless.

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