NewsMan finds gold treasure in the field

Man finds gold treasure in the field

In a field in Emsland, a man comes across valuable coins from the Middle Ages. The location, however, raises questions.

Emsbüren – In Emsland, Lower Saxony, a man made an amazing discovery. In a field he first found one, then three more gold coins on the edge of a small forest. Over the next few weeks and months, experts combed the area for more pieces – and found six coins up to 25 centimeters deep in the ground.

The Lower Saxony State Office for Monument Preservation (NLD) and the Ministry of Science are now presenting the find to the general public – and are enthusiastic.

Amazing find in Lower Saxony: gold coins from the 14th century

The find was of “great regional historical interest”, the experts said on Thursday (September 30th, 2021) in Meppen. It is hard to imagine that the coins were simply lost. However, nothing in the immediate vicinity of the site indicates who could have deliberately hidden such a treasure. Most of the coins were 70 to 90 centimeters apart. Only one coin was carried away 18 meters, possibly by a plow.

The treasure with ten valuable gold coins is said to date from the 14th century and is of considerable value for its time. Four coins come from France and were minted from 1337, it is said. At that time, King Philip VI ruled France. Three of these coins are so-called gold shields, “Écu d’or”, on which the ruler’s coats of arms are depicted. Six pieces come from Germany, are of similar age and can be assigned to the same coin type. They were made under the German Emperor Ludwig IV (1328 to 1347, called “the Bavarian”). The tenth coin, a “Pavillon d’or”, came from Philip VI. and was minted after 1339.

Gold discovery in Emsland: “Cultural property for future generations”

The common occurrence of the German and French coin types is particularly interesting, it is said. It is known that the German coins were minted from gold, which the English King Edward III. paid to Ludwig the Bavarian to ensure his neutrality in the Hundred Years War (1337 to 1453) between England and France.

“Once again a gold find in Lower Saxony fascinates the public”, said Björn Thümler, Minister of Science of Lower Saxony (CDU). “It is thanks to the archaeologists in the State Office for Monument Preservation and in the Emsland district that valuable cultural assets for future generations and science could be preserved here with quick action.” (Lrg / dpa / epd)

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