NewsGroceries are becoming more expensive: a serious problem for...

Groceries are becoming more expensive: a serious problem for low earners – the Bavarian consumer center with a clear demand

Food prices are rising due to high energy prices, the Ukraine war has exacerbated the situation. The Bavarian consumer advice center warns.

Munich – The Ukraine conflict*, which escalated into a war almost three weeks ago, continues to cause horror. But solidarity with Ukraine is great (you can find out how you can help refugees in Bavaria here*). The effects of the war can also be felt here, including at gas stations. That’s why the ADAC Südbayern has tips for drivers. The consequences can also be felt in supermarkets: on the one hand, more and more stores are taking Russian products out of their range*, on the other hand, panic buying seems to be increasing again. There are reports, for example, that cooking oil is in short supply in some supermarkets.

Consequences of the Ukraine War – Verbraucherzentrale Bayern: No food shortages in Germany

However, the Bavarian consumer center gave the all-clear on and made it clear: “Consumers in Germany will continue to find an adequate supply of food in the future, there is no threat of food shortages in this country.”

The prices for agricultural raw materials on the world market have of course risen sharply since the beginning of the war. So far, Russia and Ukraine have exported large quantities of grain, corn and sunflower oil, and Russia has also exported large quantities of fertilizer.

Ukraine war and food: Russia and Ukraine main export countries for sunflower oil

Facts and figures about Russia and Ukraine

Russia produces around 10 percent and Ukraine around 4 percent of the wheat traded worldwide.

According to the Association of the Oilseed Processing Industry in Germany (OVID), the Ukraine with 51 percent and Russia with 27 percent are the world’s most important export countries for sunflower oil.

Ukraine alone supplies half of the sunflower oil traded worldwide. In total, Russia and Ukraine export 12 percent of the calories traded globally.

Ukraine war: Food is becoming more expensive – Bavarian consumer center with demand

“Food security is particularly threatened in countries that have to import large quantities of grain for human consumption – this affects some North African and Asian countries and, for example, Turkey,” said the Bavarian consumer center in response to a request from . Consumers in Germany must reckon with price increases. “This reinforces a development that was already visible before the outbreak of the war. Many food prices have risen in recent months due to high energy prices, disrupted supply chains, higher production costs and higher logistics costs.

Price increases can “become a problem,” especially for consumers with a low income. The Bavarian consumer advice center therefore demands: “They must be given concrete support. We also consider a reduction in VAT on fruit, vegetables and legumes to be necessary in order to make it easier for all consumers to eat healthily.”

Cooking oil crisis in the supermarket: You can still fry with these alternatives

BBK recommends food stocks – consumer advice center makes it clear: hamsters should be avoided”

The spokeswoman also refers to the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) to . Regardless of the Ukraine crisis, this generally recommends a minimum stockpiling.* “However, this should not be exaggerated, because this in turn could lead to food losses and means of subsistence would then be unnecessarily withdrawn from the market. Hamsters and food waste should be avoided,” the spokeswoman said. (kam) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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