FunNature & AnimalCan I feed street cats?

Can I feed street cats?

Where do colony cats come from?

Having lived in cities for many years, cats have been reproducing, creating an overpopulation problem , which has led the population to reject these animals and persecute those who feed them. We have to be aware that this problem is aggravated as a result of unscrupulous people who abandon their cats on the street and individuals who let them go outside without being sterilized .

Is it forbidden to feed the cats in the colonies?

In many municipalities, their Municipal Ordinances expressly prohibit feeding animals on public roads, however, the municipalities are responsible for the cats that live in the colonies of their municipalities and therefore the responsibility of ensuring their welfare. In animal protection legislation, street cats have the same rights and protection as a cat that lives in a home.

For this reason, a city council cannot prohibit the feeding of street cats . Many of these animals do not know how to survive, some hunt by instinct, but not for survival. In addition, a bigger problem would be created, if cats are not fed in their usual places, they will have to look for food in other places such as garbage, public places where they can find food, restaurants, bars or supermarkets.


The reality is that there is an overpopulation of cats in the colonies, a cat can give birth to more than 35 cats in a year , some die from various causes, but many others survive, and new puppies continue to be born when they reach childbearing age. The solution given to this problem by many municipalities is the continuous extermination of these animals. They deal with it like a plague, catch the cats and put them down. They have been using this cruel method for years, without being able to solve the problem.

They do not understand that feline colonies cannot be eliminated, scientific studies on this subject confirm that in the place where a colony has been eliminated , other cats from nearby areas return to settle in a short time, it is a natural phenomenon called the vacuum effect .

Roger Tabor, a naturalist and biologist recognized worldwide as one of the main authorities on cats, was commissioned to study this phenomenon for the first time in the city of London in the 1980s .

Many administrations have not wanted to follow the recommendations of the Animal Protection Entities that have been putting the solution on the table for years, which is none other than the control of these groups of cats through the CER method (Capture-Sterilization-Return to their colony) . The Autonomous Communities in which zero slaughter has been implemented have been forced to opt for this method as the slaughter of these cats is prohibited.

Advantages of a controlled colony

  1. It is an ecological rodenticide, considerably reduces the presence of rodents.
  2. The birth rate decreases.
  3. Annoyances caused by fights between cats are eliminated.
  4. Disappears the smell of urine from males in heat.
  5. Sanitary controlled cats.
  6. Persons authorized to feed and care for animals.
  7. Controlled and clean feeding areas.

It is essential to train the people who feed and care for the colonies to do so in a responsible manner, it is also important to inform all the residents of the area of the benefits of having the cats in the colony controlled, in this way they avoid neighborhood conflicts between those who protect cats and detractors.

How is the CER program carried out?

The first thing is to request control of the feline colonies and authorization to feed them from the town hall. This request may not be met, so Animal Protection Entities in the area should be contacted to present a project on the CER and its benefits. On many occasions, and given the refusal of the municipalities to allocate financial means to these projects, it is the individuals who take care of all the expenses with their own money.

How to start a CER project

  1. Know the number of individuals.
  2. Yes it is possible how many males and females.
  3. Know if there are problems in the environment to be able to mediate with the neighbors.
  4. Remove sociable cats for adoption , they are the result of abandonment and are in danger on the street.
  5. Proceed to the capture for its sterilization , the veterinarian will make a complete review for its health control . They will make a small cut in the ear , that way you can see which cats are already controlled.
  6. Take photos of the animals and keep a record of the captures and the health status of each cat.
  7. Keeping the colony clean in a discreet area is one of the most important points for the acceptance of the neighbors .

Report any mistreatment suffered by the cats of the colonies , they are protected by regional laws and by the Penal Code . In case of suspicion of death by poisoning, call the Police and contact the Animal Protection Entity in the area.

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