SportF1Hamilton uncomfortable and critical of FIA briefings

Hamilton uncomfortable and critical of FIA briefings

On the eve of the 2022 Australian Grand Prix and as has been customary before each event for a few seasons now, the drivers and FIA staff met for the traditional drivers’ briefing that has already acquired more than relevant significance.

In addition to discussing the maneuvers allowed behind the safety car, representatives of motorsport’s top-flight governing body reminded drivers that wearing piercings and jewelery while driving their cars was prohibited.

The other point of the day also caused a lot of controversy among some drivers and, unlike the previous one, the FIA directly warned the drivers that they would be sanctioned if they discovered that some of them were wearing underwear without FIA homologation.

Lewis Hamilton, who was present at the meeting, was one of the most surprised by all the issues that were discussed during the meeting and he made it known publicly, openly criticizing what happened before the Australian GP.

Beyond his complaints regarding the issues that the FIA brought to the drivers’ briefing at the Australian Grand Prix, Hamilton stated that he felt uncomfortable talking about issues that he considered very inconsequential and, in addition, revealed the lack of protective masks throughout the session.

“It was the longest driver briefing I’ve ever had in my life… And I’ve been here for a long time racing, but I’ve never been in such a long briefing.”

“Also, not everyone was wearing a mask. Some of the drivers were, but most of the guys in the FIA weren’t and it really made me uncomfortable.

“And I don’t understand why we discuss all these little things like underwear. Do you think we really need to talk about this? But hey, even after all these talks I don’t feel like the way they control us has gotten any tighter.”

Lewis Hamilton was one of the drivers most affected by both issues that the FIA brought to the drivers’ briefing, as the British driver always drives with earrings and jewellery, but the meeting did not seem to affect him, as he refused to remove his belongings during the event. .

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