SportF1Alpine CEO: "We think it is possible to win...

Alpine CEO: "We think it is possible to win in 2024 or 2025"

Rossi took the helm of the revamped Alpine outfit at the start of last season, and his aim is for the team to battle at the front of the grid for the next five years.

Although he is aware of the performance gap between current leaders Mercedes and Red Bull, he believes his team has reason to shine as Formula 1 moves into a new era.

“We have the stability that the Renault group offers for five or ten years of constant financing, and also its assets,” he explained.

“The fact that Formula 1 is moving more and more towards less physical testing, with more and more simulations and data analysis, is something that can work in the Renault group’s favor, as we have top-notch artificial intelligence machine learning scientists. quality, something that has been used for the last 20 years in all manufacturing and marketing.

“We can use it and have it to help us bring a new layer of strategy, for example, during the race, or with the analysis of the data. All of that can help us close the gap and outperform others,” Rossi said.

“We want to win races and also the championship, and we think that may be possible by the end of 2024 or 2025, depending on when the current rules period ends.”

In addition to thinking that Alpine has the necessary ingredients to move forward, he considers that the arrival of a budget cap is also very beneficial for his team.

“I think we have all the tools to do it in an ideal environment,” he said. “We reset performance, and with the new rules, everyone starts from scratch, we work with the same constraints.”

“Even if some teams are similar or have better resources, we don’t hide behind anything, as it’s more or less the same for everyone, so it will be a little easier for us to fight,” said the Enstone team manager.

“It is not that we put 200 million dollars and they 500. That amount, more or less, is fine, we will be able to do it,” he explained. “We can also draw on the experience of five years in Formula 1 as a works team, with the engine and the chassis. We can find and do a much better job of integrating a powerful engine into the chassis.”

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