SportMotoGPMotorLand Aragón extends its agreement with MotoGP until 2026

MotorLand Aragón extends its agreement with MotoGP until 2026

The Vice President of the Government of Aragon and Minister of Industry, Arturo Aliaga , ratified this Tuesday the agreement with the promoters of the MotoGP World Championship so that MotorLand Alcañiz continues to host the championship until 2026, with three guaranteed grand prizes from 2022 to 2024, with a cost for the current season of eight million euros, three percent more in the following tests, reports Europa Press .

Aliaga, who has signed the agreement with the CEO of Dorna Sports, Carmelo Ezpeleta , said that a political change in the Aragonese government that will be constituted in the next legislature, starting in 2023, may make the decision to withdraw the agreement with a simple communication to Dorna “and absolutely nothing happens”.

“With this we close a little the misunderstandings that have been generated when the celebration of MotoGP was questioned,” said Aliaga, who estimated the return that the celebration of the grand prize has for the province at 30 million euros.

Current contract

The agreement between Dorna and Motorland was taken for granted since last year during the celebration of the grand prize, but it has been now that the officiality of the contract has been staged. Ezpeleta has pointed out that both parties had an agreement since September 2021 to celebrate at least three grand prizes in five years “and it was in force”, although “it needed to be ratified by the Government of Aragon”, which is what happened this Tuesday .

Ezpeleta assured that “we are delighted to be at MotorLand” and recalled the support of the Tulorense track during the pandemic by organizing the race behind closed doors in 2020 and 2021. “It was very important to get ahead,” he said before assuring that “Aragón will have MotoGP as long as you want, we would like it to be always, but it is a political issue”, settled the CEO of Dorna, who once again recalled that due to the great request from other countries, the great prizes of the peninsula will be rotating (two each three years) in the circuits of Jerez, Barcelona, Valencia, Portimao and MotorLand.

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