SportMotoGPJack Miller, "pressured" with overtaking and MotoGP times

Jack Miller, "pressured" with overtaking and MotoGP times

In recent years, MotoGP has become a category that has managed to include the top 20 riders in the ranking in just over a second and a half. This situation significantly increases uncertainty every Sunday, something that has caught the eyes of motorcycling fans.

However, this competitiveness has not only brought benefits, it has also created a scenario where drivers treat every lap of the race as a qualifying lap.

This forces all the runners to compete to the limit to get the most out of their prototype and be able to fight for the best possible position. The situation, in turn, implies that overtaking is more complicated, and the maneuvers more risky.

One of the pilots who has spoken about this situation has been Jack Miller. The Australian rider of the Ducati team has brought this factor to light, which has already been certified in the races held so far this season.

“Surely the fact that Enea Bastianini fell last weekend changed the classification,” he said. “His crash last week marked a before and after and brought a lot of drivers back to the top.”

“Really, there are a lot of drivers very close, so you have to also consider how many race winners we’ve had so far.

This can have a big impact on the outcome of the race, as “regaining positions is not as easy as it used to be,” says Miller.

“We will always be under pressure with the current times and speed of MotoGP. You cannot make any mistakes and you feel pressured, we are all under the same situation,” said the Australian.

“It’s always easy to make mistakes when you’re running at the pace we’re going. In Portimao we lapped in 1’39”. as soon as we had 10 minutes on the dry track. It should also be noted that all the bikes are very competitive and therefore close to each other.”

“It is very difficult to overtake now. Also, for that reason in Portimao we had problems, as well as in Argentina or in Texas. It is not easy to overtake at the moment and you can make a mistake and lose a couple of positions,” Miller said.

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