SportMotoGPMárquez: "I'm here to run, not to think about...

Márquez: "I'm here to run, not to think about whether I might fall"

In Texas, Marc Márquez took his first win in the heavy bike class, before putting together a tremendous winning streak. Of the eight visits to the Circuit of the Americas (COTA), Márquez has won seven times, and when he did not (2019), it was due to a fall while driving at the front of the peloton, with a wide margin of advantage.

In other circumstances, the Spaniard would be the clear candidate to climb to the highest step of the podium this Sunday. However, his reality right now does not allow him to consider that, or at least that is what he stated this Thursday, on his return to the paddock.

Márquez reappears after not having raced in Mandalika and in Argentina, as a result of the brutal fall he suffered in the warm up of the Indonesian Grand Prix, after which the problems of diplopia (double vision) were reproduced, which already led him to missing the last two rounds of 2021 (Portugal and Valencia), and that in his day (2011), prevented him from fighting Stefan Bradl for the Moto2 title.

“After Mandalika it was a tough week. But luckily, the recovery from the eye injury was faster. It was even close to being able to be in Argentina. But, together with the doctors, we decided not to take risks,” said Márquez . , an hour before undergoing tests by the World Cup medical services, which must give him the go-ahead to get on the bike this Friday.

“The weekend in Indonesia was one of the worst of my life, with many crashes (four). Winning here is possible, but it’s not the way to face the weekend, because, besides, I don’t feel prepared. Before I have to regain my confidence”, stressed the runner from Cervera (Lleida), who had no qualms about recognizing the drop in morale caused by this umpteenth injury.

“These are difficult injuries. Two weeks ago I didn’t even have the motivation to train; I didn’t even want to come here. But the people around me, my brother, helped me a lot to get back in the gym. But if I’m here it’s because the passion for running outweighs to suffering. I’m here to run, not to think about whether I can fall”, pointed out #93.

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