SportMotoGPMotoGP - Rossi: "If they give me the podium...

MotoGP – Rossi: "If they give me the podium I'll pay for the party"

Cheste.- The rumor appeared on social networks and what began as madness became viral to the point of reaching the point of taking overtones of a real possibility that the MotoGP riders, on Sunday, would let Valentino Rossi pass in the last lap to get on the podium and thus get his 200th drawer in the premier class.

In the run-up to the Valencia Grand Prix, the drivers ruled it out at the official press conference and this Friday they asked Rossi about this possibility.

“Unfortunately I think it’s impossible,” the Italian laughed, getting into the joke.

“If they give me the podium I would be very happy because it would be the 200th for me, maybe I could pay them something or maybe organize a party that would be my responsibility,” he replied to Jack Miller, who proposed a payment for the detail.

“But I don’t think that will happen”, said #46 more seriously before leaving a message to his current rivals: “I want to think that if I were 20 years younger I could fight for victory”, without the need for anyone to give him the podium

Returning to the sports section of the day, Valentino finished last on the time sheet, 1.35s behind the fastest, precisely Miller.

“It was a difficult day because the conditions were really complicated in the morning, there was a lot of water on the track and it was cold. In the afternoon things improved, but the track did not dry completely”, he explained.

Cheste has never been a circuit where Rossi feels comfortable. A crash here in the race separated him from the title in 2006 in favor of Nick Hayden .

“I don’t feel very comfortable on this track, but it has always been like that in Valenci, because this track with little grip is always difficult”, he pointed out.

“I hope that the conditions are good this Saturday and Sunday, and that the track improves so that our potential can grow, we must try,” he said.

The great equality that exists today in MotoGP means that losing a second is seen in the last positions.

“There are times when it is even worse. In Portugal I was eight tenths away and I was 18th, today in MotoGP things are like this: all the riders are fast and very prepared, more or less all of them are world champions. The potential of the motorcycles is very similar, therefore we are all very close, although I think that all this is something positive for the show”, settled the Tavullia star.

(Click on this link or pass the arrows to see all the photos of Valentino Rossi at the 2021 MotoGP Valencia GP)

Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

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Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

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Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

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Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

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Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

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Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

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Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

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Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

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Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

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Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

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Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

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Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

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Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

Valentino Rossi, Petronas Yamaha SRT

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Photo de: Gold and Goose / Motorsport Images

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