SportMotoGPMotoGP and F1 will coincide fewer weekends in 2022

MotoGP and F1 will coincide fewer weekends in 2022

MotoGP and F1 already have provisional calendars for 2022. The FIM and the FIA published the first version of both, which will not be far from the final. The two championships increase their number of grand prix and set a new record, with 20 for motorcycles and 23 for cars.

The MotoGP season will be the first to start this time and also to finish. The World Cup will kick off on March 6 in Qatar and will draw the curtain exactly eight months later, on November 6 in Valencia. Dorna has designed a fairly balanced calendar in which there will be four doubles and a triplet, and no more than two weeks of rest between any grand prix except for the three holidays between July and August.

F1, for its part, will start on March 20 in Bahrain and end on November 20 in Abu Dhabi. Along the way there will be six consecutive grand prize doubles and two triples. In fact, between the last weekend of August and November 9 there will be six races in seven weeks.

Although at the moment the fixed schedules of the grand prix are not known, what is already certain to be confirmed in these calendars is that MotoGP and F1 will coincide on 10 weekends in 2022 –one less than in 2021–. In four of them, in addition, they will do it in the same time slot –half that this year–. However, Dorna usually plays almost until the last moment to avoid clashing.

MotoGP and F1 Grand Prix that will coincide in 2022

Date MotoGP F1
20 de marzo Indonesia Indonesia Bahrain Bahrain
April 10 United Kingdom EE UU Australia Australia
April 24 Portugal Portugal Italy Emilia-Romagna
29th of May Italy Italy Monaco Monaco
19th of June Germany Germany Canada Canada
July 10th Finland Finland Austria Austria
4th of September San Marino San Marino Netherlands Netherlands
September 25th Japan Japan Russian Federation Russia
October 2nd Thailand Thailand Singapore Singapore
October 23 Malaysia Malaysia United States USA

MotoGP will return to Indonesia for the first time since 1997 on the weekend of March 20, coinciding with F1 in Bahrain . However, the appointment of two wheels should be early in the morning in Spain, while F1 runs in Sakhir around noon. The same will happen, but in reverse, on April 10 . MotoGP will go to Austin – in the afternoon-night schedule – and F1 will have raced in Australia at dawn.

On April 24 MotoGP will be in Portugal and probably due to the time difference with the Portuguese country it will not overlap with the F1 Emilia-Romagna GP . When it will, it will be May 29 ( Mugello and Monaco ).

There will also be no problem on June 19 when MotoGP goes to the Sachsenring and F1 is in Canada. Although in Finland it is one more hour, the premiere of the motorcycles at the KymiRing on July 10 could collide with Austria . The same will happen after the summer break for both championships, in San Marino (MotoGP) and the Netherlands (F1) on September 4 .

In the final part of the season there will be another three matches, although none in the same time slot. The return of MotoGP to Japan ( September 25 ), Thailand ( October 2 ) and Malaysia ( October 23 ) will take place at dawn in Spain, while F1 will be in Russia , Singapore and the United States respectively, in the afternoon hours. the first two and the last night.

Movistar+ and DAZN will continue to jointly broadcast the two World Cups , so we will again need a second device so as not to miss anything.

(Click on this link or on the photo to see some exchanges of F1 and MotoGP drivers)

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