SportMotoGPAlex Márquez: "To be in MotoGP I have to...

Alex Márquez: "To be in MotoGP I have to improve a lot"

The two-time Moto3 and Moto2 world champion had a promising MotoGP debut last year with the Repsol Honda team. There, being a rookie , he made a season from less to more and got on the podium twice –the only ones of the golden brand throughout the year–.

However, before starting the 2020 campaign -postponed by COVID-19-, HRC decided to renew him for two more years, but sent him to the LCR satellite formation with official support. After the first 14 races with the Lucio Cecchinello team, the youngest of the brothers from Cervera (Lleida) is 16th in the table with sixth place as the best result. In addition, with 14 falls , he is the fourth rider with the worst statistics in that section, behind his brother Marc (20), Iker Lecuona (19) and Pol Espargaró (15).

The #73 has arrived at Honda in one of the most delicate moments in its history in MotoGP. In 2020, the Tokyo-based company hit rock bottom as it completed its worst season since HRC’s inception in 1982, closing the year without a win for the first time. This season they have only been able to celebrate Marc Márquez’s victory at the Sachsenring and his podium finish at Aragón .

“The season, in general, started in a difficult way”, says Alex Márquez in an interview for the MotoGP Challenge from DAZN . “I haven’t had the easiest years at Honda. But you have to be positive and move on. It’s been difficult to understand many things, especially if it’s you, or the bike, or what’s going on”

The man from Lleida points to the engine – without naming it – as the main problem with the RC213V at the moment, something that is already being worked on.

“I think that where the main problem is is where we cannot evolve this year because of the regulations. But that is where they will try to take a step for next year. Honda has the attitude and they are receptive for that big step,” he says.

After a relatively calm 2021, 2022 promises to be hectic in offices, with most of the great figures ending their contracts. Alex is aware that he will have to earn the signature on the track.

“I’ve learned that in this world you don’t live in the past and you can’t live thinking about the future. To be in MotoGP I have to improve a lot. We’ll see what happens in 2022 and we’ll think about it. The contracts will go slower, not so early like other years. But 2022 is the year in which we must all take a step forward, “he emphasizes.

(Click on this link or on the image to see the photos of Alex Márquez’s 2021 season in MotoGP)

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