FunWhat is anisakiasis?

What is anisakiasis?

Anisakis is a genus of nematodes – round-bodied worms – that infests with relative frequency various species of fish, such as mackerel, hake, horse mackerel and cod. The larvae are located in the abdominal cavity, liver and muscle of infested fish, as well as in all their viscera. The larvae are ingested alive by the consumer when the food is eaten raw or undercooked , and can cause a disease known as anisakiasis , which occurs with ulcers and gastroenteritis.

To prevent it, experts recommend not consuming raw fish or cephalopods or cold-smoked fish, marinated, pickled, ceviche or sushi , unless they have been commercially frozen or have been refrigerated at 20 degrees below zero for 24- 48 hours. To avoid food risks, the fish must be prepared by cooking or frying at temperatures exceeding 60 ºC . A general rule of thumb is to cook it for 10 minutes for pieces about 2.5 centimeters thick, turning them after 5 minutes. And they should be cooked 5 more minutes, if it is sauces or in papillote. When grilled, make sure that the fish is not semi-raw. However, these precautions do not protect the consumer against the risk of a possible allergic reaction to anisakis, which is triggered by the ingestion of the dead parasites.

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