LivingTwo cups of coffee a day can cause incontinence

Two cups of coffee a day can cause incontinence

incontinencia A new study from Emory University (USA) reveals that consuming certain doses of caffeine can cause or exacerbate male urinary incontinence . Previous scientific research had already identified a link between female incontinence and coffee consumption.

According to the study, based on 4,000 subjects and published in the specialized journal Journal of Urology , individuals who consume 234 milligrams of caffeine a day are 72% more likely to suffer from moderate or severe incontinence than those who barely try drinks that contain it . Scientists attribute this to the fact that certain components of caffeine irritate the bladder . In addition, the researchers emphasize that the amount of other liquids that is ingested per day does not affect this problem. In particular, drinking a lot of water does not increase your risk of incontinence.

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