FunNature & Animal10 strange natural phenomena

10 strange natural phenomena

Luminous pillars

They are columns in a vertical position towards the sky, only visible when light is reflected directly towards ice crystals, either thanks to sunlight or through artificial sources, such as street lights or parks. Despite its incredible appearance of solid columns of light, the visual effect it projects is determined by our relative point of view.

The stones that move alone

This peculiar phenomenon takes place in the USA, and it is about stones that ‘float’ on a vacant desert that formerly was practically mud. Many scientists believe that this movement is due to the strong wind , but it is not entirely convincing for science, as it is very strange that stones of different size and weight move at a parallel rate and in different directions.

Goblins and blue jets

These striking names are acquired by certain phenomena that take place in the upper atmosphere. Originally listed as UFOs and lasting fractions of a second, they were discovered by pilots of stratospheric aircraft. The ‘goblins’ are a kind of electrical discharges produced at an altitude of 80 kilometers with reddish light. For their part, the ‘blue jets’, cones of bluish light, are formed at a lower height.


This curious cumuliform cloud is caused mainly by industry, fire, volcanic activity; in other words, due to the intense heating of the air from the surface. The detonation of nuclear weapons can also produce this type of cloud, in the form of a nuclear mushroom, which is formed by the same mechanism. The increase in temperature gives rise to movements that raise the air mass to a point of stability, generally in the presence of humidity.

Belt of Venus

The belt of Venus occurs during dusty nights, when a band of pink or brown sky appears between the sky and the horizon. The light pink color of the arc is explained by the backscattering of the reddened light at sunrise or sunset.

Ice Circles

During their freezing, rivers can undergo exceptional events. This is what happens with this phenomenon, produced when the ice on the surface of the river accumulates to a greater degree in the center than on the banks , under a constant and very weak current. This makes it rotate forming a whirlpool that, due to the action of the centrifugal force, finally produces a perfect circle of ice.

Ball lightning

The one known in Spanish as ‘Centella’ is less common and more harmful than is believed. Under the appearance of a lightning bolt but in the shape of a ball, it moves much slower than a conventional lightning bolt and can measure up to eight feet in diameter. Some reports reveal that many lightning flashes have destroyed buildings throughout history.

Green ray

Lasting only a few minutes, the ‘Green Ray’ occurs only after sunrise and before full sunset. The refraction of light is produced in the atmosphere, and it appears as a green flash above the sun.


Also known as sinkholes, we are dealing with one of nature’s scariest events. With the passage of time, the water erodes the earth below the surface, until in some occasions, the earth can give way and ends up sinking into the subsoil.

Sky earthquake

Within the scientific community it is also called ‘Cielomoto’ or ‘Skyquake’. This explosion emits a sound that is generated thanks to a certain movement of gases. In the absence of a concrete scientific explanation so far, the celestial event has been observed in places such as Florida, Pennsylvania and Australia. In any case, the most widespread theory today holds that noise arises when a layer of air heats up more than the rest, and when it collides with the colder air, a kind of explosion takes place.

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