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Wearing Sneakers In France Should You Dress To Fit While Visiting Paris?

I can’t count the number of times travelers have asked me, “Should I wear slippers in Paris?” and many other variations of the same question. American tourists are especially concerned about “not fitting in” with inappropriate shoes.

That attitude is really remarkable. Dress up so as not to impact the sensibilities of the locals. How much more considerate can you be? I can only congratulate everyone who has asked or thought about the question!

Parisians and sneakers

Many first-time visitors to France and Paris are convinced that all French women are perfect fashionistas. This is very exaggerated, even though access to stylish clothing is easy in Paris where Vogue magazine still dictates what is inside and outside.

However, I don’t find much difference in perennial tastes on the streets of Paris and on the avenues of New York. Although there are variations, the leading brands are international in nature and are imitated everywhere. Globalization and knockoffs tend to homogenize fashion, making everyday wear look similar in big cities like Paris, London, Milan, and New York.

Sneakers as a fashion statement

But the question about the sneakers is still valid. Sneakers have become a commodity in the United States, but what is it like in Paris?

At first glance, there are hardly as many women in trainers in Paris as there are in New York during the work week. The generally accepted commercial dress code in France despises sneakers. Therefore, unless her employer cultivates a more youthful and sporty image, the Parisian woman wears low-key city shoes to work.

However, sneakers are the “It” shoe when they become design icons. Adidas, Puma and Nike have their own stores in Paris, where dozens of different models are on display. Judging by the crowds these stores attract, none of these brands suffer from popularity deficit disorder in Paris.

So what is the main difference in shoe attitude between the American consumer and the French consumer? It’s pretty straightforward – the main difference is that the latter will wear sneakers as design elements, not work shoes. She will not buy sneakers for comfort. She will buy sneakers if they complement the dress pants and make them look smarter. She will buy slippers that make her feet look slim, small, and elegant.

A simple look at the types of slippers most often seen on women’s feet in Paris is revealing – you won’t see wide, comfortable, comfortable-looking, plain slippers. You will see small, slim-looking designer sneakers with a flat sole.

For the same reasons, a pair of Stephane Kelian or Prada “boots” will always be favored over a pair of Pumas. Shoes are a fashion statement, and the more understated, the better.

That’s one big difference between French and American women: understatement is a fundamental rule in French fashion. Anything that is too visible is considered garish. This is why the French little black dress is a fashion icon, and why Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly will always be remembered as the American ladies of fashion.

Tourists and sneakers

Does all this mean that you can’t wear slippers when you travel to Paris? Of course, no.

First of all, sneakers can be comfortable walking shoes. And walk, you will. The best way to discover Paris is to walk through its streets. Wearing shoes that you are comfortable in walking 10 miles a day at a leisurely pace is a very important decision for the general mood of your stay in the French capital and you will not regret having made that decision.

Be sure to wear sneakers if these are your best walking shoes. And if you have better walking shoes, pack them, even if they make you look like you’re on a trekking trip.

You shouldn’t ask yourself this question. Who cares how you look on the street? Don’t be shy, just feel comfortable in your shoes. You are a visitor, this is your vacation, this is your moment! Jeans and sneakers are international.

People will not be offended by your appearance. Unless she’s dressed in pink blouses and electric blue pants, with gold sneakers and Jackie-O shades, no one will have any doubts about her outfit.

And if they ever notice your jeans, LL Bean trekking shoes, and Patagonia jacket, well, if the push comes to an end, they might think you’re American.

And that? In all likelihood, they will appreciate your visit to Paris.

Restaurants and sneakers

Now, does that mean you can wear sneakers everywhere, on any occasion? Probably not. Restaurants are an example of this. Can you dine in slippers?

Let’s say you’re walking around in your casual jeans and comfortable Lands End boots. Now it is dinner time and you are looking for an attractive restaurant. There is! The menu displayed outside is appetizing, the prices are quite expensive, the place is not too crowded… but the guests are elegantly dressed. Will they let you in? Will you fit in?

I have yet to see a restaurant in Paris or even a sign on the door of the bar that says ‘No slippers allowed’. It is true that some high-level places will leave you at bay: “Do you have a reservation? Sorry, we’re full tonight. But generally speaking, no restaurant will refuse to seat you because you wear sneakers.

Therefore, the correct question is not, “Will I be allowed in?” but, “Will I feel comfortable entering a fancy place in slippers?” I dare say probably not. And being self-aware is not the best way to enjoy your food. Your attention should be on your plate and your food, not your shoes and clothing.

So my rule of thumb is to dress according to where you go. If you plan to dine at fancy and expensive restaurants when in Paris, just pack your Pradas. Even better: visit the Stephane Kelian and Robert Clergerie boutiques in Paris, and buy yourself some great designer shoes from these typically Parisian designers. Check out our luxury shopping in Paris or if you really have the funds, look for made-to-measure shoes.

Other places and sneakers

There are other places where sneakers just don’t cut it.

The Opera House is definitely one of them. But who would be foolish enough not to dress up for opera night? The point of the shoe is moot.

How about a cabaret? I’d say it’s much better to dress up when dining at a cabaret like ‘Moulin Rouge’, ‘Lido’ and ‘Paradis Latin’. Although only the stage is well lit in these places, the fact is that the people around you will generally be dressed. You will feel much more comfortable in more formal clothes.

What about the boats on the Seine? If you’re boarding a boat for a dinner cruise, don’t wear sneakers. This is a romantic experience, you will want to make the most of it and you will certainly not go up and down stairs and up on deck. An evening dress is de rigueur . On the other hand, if you just want to ride the stream, sneakers are fine.

Museums? Forget about style, wear very comfortable shoes. No one will look at your shoes, it is the art on the walls that will turn heads. But going up and down is an exhausting experience: there is so much to see, so many galleries, so slow the pace. The doctor’s good advice: go with cushioning and comfort.

Vernissages art gallery? Style is your signal. The art galleries are small, the vernissage nights are short. Evening dress, preferably black, nothing flashy, and attractive designer shoes. No sneakers.

To involve

Dress according to where you go. When in doubt, call ahead to understand the dress code. Pack a good pair of shoes, or even better, buy some when in Paris. Bring a nice, low-key evening dress.

But don’t shy away from sneakers for any not-so-formal occasion. Wear them on the street without shame. You will combine without any problem if you wear jeans and a pair of sneakers. Nike is an American brand, and it is very popular in France. Levi’s, Diesel, Wrangler and Calvin Klein are American brands, and they also rule the world of jeans in France.

So get comfortable in your slippers and enjoy the view.

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