Living101 short and original names for girls

101 short and original names for girls

Choosing our baby’s name is one of the first big decisions we must make as parents and it is definitely not something we should take lightly.

If you are expecting a girl and you are looking for a name different from those that are in fashion, you will surely love one of the 101 short and original names for girls that we share with you today.

  • Ada: short form of Adelaida, which means Germanic origin and means “of noble lineage”.
  • Ana : of Hebrew origin, it means “Compassionate”, “Merciful”.
  • Anya: Russian diminutive of Anna, which means “the one with grace and compassion.”
  • Ava : of Hebrew origin is an English variant of Eva and means “to give life”.
  • Avis: it was a popular name during the Middle Ages, associated with the Latin “avis”, which means “birds”.
  • Ayla : of Turkish origin, it means “moonlight”
  • Cala: of Arabic origin, it means “castle, fortress”.
  • Cara: Italian name of Latin origin, it means “dear, beloved”.
  • Clío: of Greek origin, it means “praise, sing”. In Greek mythology she is the muse of history and heroic poetry.
  • Daia: means “joy”.
  • Dánae: also of Greek origin, it is derived from the word “danós”, which means “arid, dry”. In Greek mythology Danae was princess of Argos and mother of Perseus with Zeus.
  • Dara: of Hebrew origin, it means “pearl of wisdom”.
  • Dava: diminutive of Davina, of Hebrew origin and meaning “little deer”.
  • Eira: of Gaelic origin, it means “snow”.
  • Ema or Emma , of Germanic origin, means “Big”, “Strong”, “Immense” and “Powerful”
  • Eva : of Hebrew origin, it means “she who gives life”.
  • Gala: short form of Galina, Russian name of Greek origin that means “calm”.
  • Gea : name of Greek origin, from mythology, it was the name of the goddess Gaya or Gaia. Its meaning is “land”.
  • Gina : name of Hebrew origin, diminutive of Georgina.
  • Fairy: A variant of Hadassah, which is of Hebrew origin and means “myrtle tree.”
  • Hana: Czech and Polish diminutive of Johana, a variant of Joanna, meaning “God is merciful.”
  • Hebe: of Greek origin, it means “youth”.
  • Iana: variant of Jana, which is a Czech feminine variant of Juan, meaning “God is merciful.”
  • Ida: of German origin, it means “hard-working, industrious”.
  • Idra: of Aramaic origin, it means “fig tree”.
  • Ilana: of Hebrew origin, it means “oak”.
  • Ilse: German and Dutch diminutive of Elisabeth, which means “My God is an oath”.
  • Agnes: of Greek origin, it means “caste”.
  • Iris: in Greek mythology, she was the goddess of the rainbow, whose function was to transmit messages to the gods.
  • Jana : variant of Johana, which in turn is a variant of Juana, a name of Hebrew origin whose meaning is “God has had mercy.”
  • Jara : of Slavic origin, diminutive of Gertrude, feminine version of Gerard, of gar, “lanza” “and wald,” to govern “.
  • Jeri : comes from the German surname Gerard, from gar, “spear” “and wald,” to rule. “
  • June : of medieval Basque origin used as the equivalent of Juncal. It also means “June” in English.
  • Juno: in Roman mythology Juno was the wife of Jupiter, the Queen of the heavens and goddess of motherhood. Protected marriage and women.
  • Justa : of Latin origin, it means “straight”, “according to the law”, “the one that works with justice”.
  • Kai: of Hawaiian origin, it means “sea, ocean”.
  • Kala: means “art, virtue, grace” in Sanskrit. In Hawaii it is used as a variant of “Sara”, which is of Hebrew origin and means “lady”.
  • Kali: of Sanskrit origin, it means “black”.
  • Kani: Hawaiian variant of Constance, which means “constancy.”
  • Lada – In Slavic mythology, she was the goddess of youth and beauty.
  • Laia : it is the diminutive in Catalan of Eulalia, a name of Greek origin that means “to speak well”.
  • Lara: this name has two possible etymologies. One indicates that it is a Russian diminutive of the name Larisa. The other indicates that it comes from Roman mythology and it was the name of one of the water nymphs.
  • Léa: French name that means “strong, brave”.
  • Lena: short form of Elena, means “radiant, luminous, fire”.
  • Lila: of Arabic origin, it means “night”.
  • Lina: of Arabic origin, it means “tender”.
  • Lola: diminutive of Dolores, referring to the pain of the Virgin when her son was crucified.
  • Lua: of Portuguese origin, it means “moon”.
  • Light: means “the one that brings the light.”
  • Lys: means “lily”.
  • Sea : comes from the Latin “mare” and means “sea”.
  • Maya: means “illusion” in Sanskrit. In the Buddhist tradition, this is the name of the Buddha’s mother.
  • Mine : of Hebrew origin, diminutive of Maria.
  • Mila : of Slavic origin, abbreviated form of Ludmila and Miloslava. Also diminutive of Camilla, Kamilla and Milena.
  • Mine: means “fish”.
  • Mine : Asturian diminutive of Herminia. Of Germanic origin and means “strong, great”.
  • Moa: of Swedish origin, it comes from moder , which means “mother”.
  • Muna : from the Hebrew muna , which means “desire”.
  • Nain : of Arabic origin, it means “of great beauty”
  • Nakia: Of Arabic origin, it means “pure”.
  • Nia: From Gaelic origen, it means “glossy”.
  • Noa: Of Hebrew origin, it means “delight”.
  • Oda: Scandinavian diminutive of Odelia.
  • Olena: Of Greek origin, it means “ray of the sun” or “bright light”.
  • Olga: of Russian origin, it means “sacred”.
  • Ona : Of Irish origin, it means “elegant”.
  • Peace : name of Latin origin that means “peace, harmony”.
  • Pía : name of Latin origin, feminine variant of Pío. Its meaning is “very devout”.
  • Pola : feminine form of Pol, which in turn is an old variant of Pablo’s name.
  • Quela: of Hebrew origin, affectionate diminutive of Miquela in Valencian, which means “nobody like God”.
  • Queta: of Germanic origin, it is the abbreviation of Enriqueta. It comes from Heimerich “she who rules her home.”
  • Rada: of Arabic origin, it means “beautiful and virtuous”.
  • Raia: of Hebrew origin, it means “friend”.
  • Rani: of Indian origin, it means “queen”.
  • Rika: of Swedish origin, it is the short form of names like Fredrika and Henrika.
  • Rita: short form of Margarita, which means “pearl”.
  • Sami: of Quechua origin, it means “lucky, happy, blissful”.
  • Sara : of Hebrew origin and its meaning is “Princess”, “lady”, “sovereign”.
  • Saya: of Japanese origin, it means “fast arrow”.
  • Señe : name of Basque origin equivalent in Spanish to the name of Inocencia whose meaning is “innocent”.
  • Sia: of Welsh origin, it means “fresh, cold”.
  • Sun: of Latin origin, it is the star and the sun god.
  • Tara: means “place where the kings met”.
  • Tea : abbreviation of Dorotea in Italian, means “the one granted by God”.
  • Teba : name of Greek origin that means “glory of God”.
  • Thaís : name of Greek origin that means “the one who is beautiful”.
  • Toya : appellation of the name of Victoria, of Latin origin, which means “victorious”.
  • Tula : name of Germanic origin that means “defender”. In Spanish it is frequently used as a diminutive of Gertrudis.
  • Uda : Basque name that means “summer”.
  • Ula: Russian diminutive of Úrsula, which means “little bear”.
  • Uma : of biblical origin, it means “nation”
  • Umay : of Turkish origin, it means “hope”.
  • Vala: of German origin, it means “marked”.
  • Veda: of Sanskrit origin, it means “knowledge”.
  • Vera: from the Latin “verus”, which means “true”.
  • Vesa: of Finnish origin, it means “offspring”.
  • Xail: of Aztec origin, it means “flower”.
  • Xara: variant of Sara, which is of Hebrew origin and means “princess”.
  • Xoco: of Aztec origin, it means “younger sister”.
  • Yaira: of Hebrew origin, it means “to illuminate”.
  • Yara: of Tupi origin, it means “lady”.
  • Yari: of Russian origin, it is the diminutive of Yarine, which means “calm.”
  • Yona: of Hebrew origin, it means “dove”.
  • Zada: of Arabic origin, it means “lucky, prosperous”.
  • Zara: of Hebrew origin, it means “princess”.
  • Zea: of Latin origin, it means “grain”.
  • Zena: Greek variant of Xena, meaning “guest.”
  • Zia: of Arabic origin, it means “light, splendor”.
  • Zoe : Of Greek origin, it means “to give life”.
  • Zuri: Basque name, means “white”.

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