LivingTravelShort Term Apartment Rentals in New York City

Short Term Apartment Rentals in New York City

Many travelers and families find that staying in an apartment while visiting New York City can save them money. An apartment often accommodates more guests than a hotel room and staying in an apartment can save money by preparing some meals in the apartment. For longer visits, staying in an apartment can give you the feeling of living in New York City rather than just visiting it. If you are interested in short-term apartment rentals in New York City, these agencies and websites are the best way to find a short-term rental.

Affordable New York City

  • Rental Rates: Bed and Breakfast – $ 95 + w / shared bathroom / $ 125 + w / private bathroom; studio apartment $ 150 +; 1 bedroom apartment $ 175 +; larger apartments also available
  • Minimum stays: 4 nights for B&B; 5 nights per apartment
  • More information: Only children 10 years and older are allowed. All venues are pre-screened and located in safe neighborhoods. Guest surveys are used to maintain quality.

Sonnet of the city

  • Rental rates: Hosted accommodations – singles $ 90 + / doubles $ 120 +; studio / 1 bedroom apartments – $ 135 +; larger apartments $ 230 +; artists lofts $ 185 +
  • Minimum stays: 3 nights
  • More information: Once you complete the reservation form on, you will be assigned an appropriate property. Not all of your properties are listed online. Properties are thoroughly screened for inclusion on CitySonnet.

New York Habitat

  • Rental Rates: $ 135- $ 550 per night
  • Minimum stays: vacation rentals – 3 nights; hosted accommodation – 2 nights
  • More information: Excellent online search features and extensive listings.

Radio City Apartments

  • Rental Rates: Studios – $ 109 +; 1 bedroom – $ 149 +; 2 bedrooms – $ 250
  • Minimum stays: 1 night
  • More information: With a unique location between a hotel and an apartment rental, it receives daily cleaning service and all rooms are equipped with a kitchenette.

Almost all of these agencies also offer long-term rentals and corporate rentals. Contact them directly for more information.

A studio is a one-bedroom unit, also called a bachelor’s apartment. Sometimes the kitchen is separated from the main room, but not always.

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