SportMotoGPA MotoGP mechanic suspended for falsifying a PCR test

A MotoGP mechanic suspended for falsifying a PCR test

The MotoGP team association, IRTA, has reported that a mechanic from a premier class team, specifically Avintia Racing , has been suspended until the end of 2021 from accessing the World Championship paddock after manipulating a COVID-19 PCR test , necessary to be able to enter the circuits.

Specifically, the technician in question presented a negative PCR test from the Quirón laboratory in Barcelona , which was actually a modified previous test, as detected by IRTA.

The championship has reacted immediately to maintain the efforts that since the start of the pandemic have turned the paddock into a bubble, informing the teams to intensify controls.

The access pass to the circuits of the mechanic involved has been blocked and he will not be allowed to attend any type of World Cup event at least until the end of 2021, although IRTA reserves the option of extending that punishment.

In the team association they assure that it is an "isolated case", but they insist on warning that from this fact the controls and scrutiny of the PCR test certificates will be intensified for the last three grand prizes of the year.

After a 2020 in which COVID cases were common, MotoGP managed to vaccinate all its members in Qatar at the beginning of the year, which gave way to a much calmer 2021 season in which the positive cases have been fewer, with the possibility of World Cup family celebrate with absolute normality a championship of 18 races, of which fifteen have already been disputed.

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