LivingA pair of twins was born 15 minutes apart,...

A pair of twins was born 15 minutes apart, but on a different day, month and year

Babies born on the first of January are always in the news, as they arrive in the world at the beginning of a new year. But there are cases in which, in addition to being “the first babies of the New Year”, their birth is distinguished by a special or unusual situation.

An example of this are twins or twins who are born just at the turn of the year, such as the case that we will share below, in which a baby was born in 2020 and another in 2021.

Fatima Madrigal and Robert Trujillo expected the birth of their twins on January 16, but the little ones apparently had other plans.

On the night of January 31, 2021, Fatima and Robert welcomed Alfredo at 11:45 pm, while only 15 minutes later and accompanied by the chimes of midnight, his sister Aylin was born, becoming the first baby of 2022. in the county.

The news was released by the hospital, the Natividad Medical Center, which published on its social networks and website the news of the delivery of the twins who were born on a different day, month and year:

According to figures reported by the hospital, the cases of pairs of twins and twins who have different birth dates are rare, but it is even rarer when they are also born in different years, mentioning that this type of case occurs in one out of every two million births of twins or twins.

Although they are rare, this is not the first case of twins born in different years. In fact, in 2017 this happened six times, with pairs of twins and twins who were born in different years.

Photo | iStock

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