LivingA woman gives birth to a 5.8 kg baby...

A woman gives birth to a 5.8 kg baby instead of the twins that doctors thought because of the large size of her gut

Amber Cumberland from Aston, Oxfordshire, UK, is 21 years old and has just become a mother for the first time. One more happy news if it weren’t for the fact that the young woman gained 30 kilos during her pregnancy and had such a large belly that doctors thought that two babies were growing instead of one and that the one seen on the ultrasound covered the presence of the other.

But they were wrong. Only one beautiful baby was born, Emilia, weighing 5.8 kilos , who fell in love with her parents as soon as she was born with her “beautiful chubby cheeks”.

Delivery was two weeks late

Amber gained thirty kilos during pregnancy, getting to wear a very, very big belly, as can be seen in the images that the young woman shared on her Instagram account. In fact, the baby began to grow very large in the third trimester, reaching the average size of a 36-week-old baby on the 32 week ultrasound.

His gut was so big that, Amber explains to the Daily Mail, “I had a lot of stretch marks and my skin was so weakened from the stretching that it would bleed if I got up too quickly.”


From then on, the delivery was delayed for more than two weeks, time for the little girl to continue growing. After more than twenty hours, the sweet wait led to an emergency cesarean section, because Amber’s huge belly caused many painful complications that made her unable to wait for labor to be induced.

“The muscles in my belly were completely divided to the point that the doctors could barely distinguish them during the cesarean section and commented that they were the worst they had ever seen.”

The young mother points out that she had a labor dilation of eight centimeters and could not go any further: “if she kept going down, they wouldn’t be able to raise her again and she would have got stuck.

Meanwhile, Emilia’s father, Scott Joy, 22, spent 42 hours in the car park of Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital during the three days preceding the birth, unable to meet Amber until she was in active labor due to restrictions. of Covid.

According to the mother, when the little girl was born her father “had a white face and all the surgeons looked at each other, surprised, and laughed. They brought her to me and said: ‘Congratulations, you have had a girl’.”


Complications for the mother

Fortunately, just over a week after giving birth, Amber begins to recover, but believes it will take a while to fully recover due to the damage to her body from the difficult pregnancy and delivery.

As this new mother points out, “because of the damage to the muscles of the belly, the stitches do not hold and I have to be very careful.”

“I cannot hold Emilia in my arms or breastfeed because she is heavy and my organs are not supported, but little by little I am improving.”

He is currently on the waiting list for physical therapy to help him recover, as “I still have a completely numb patch of skin around my belly button.”

As for the anecdotes due to Emilia’s large size, they were left alone in that, anecdotes: how none of the clothes that her parents had brought to the hospital or the newborn diapers would do for her. They had to bring home clothes and bigger diapers from pediatrics. But her parents are happy because their baby is fine :

“We are very happy that she was just a girl and that she was healthy.”

Although Emilia’s size is striking, she is not the largest baby in the news. In the UK the record is held by another baby born in 2012 weighing 6.3 kilos, like another Russian baby in 2018. Also in Spain we have our six kilos newborn.

Still, the size of these babies continues to surprise, as does the gut of their mothers.

Via | Daily Mail

Fotos | Instagram Amber Cumberland

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