SportMotoGPAlberto Puig: "Márquez's objective is not to finish fourth...

Alberto Puig: "Márquez's objective is not to finish fourth or sixth"

During the last Spanish Grand Prix, Marc Márquez starred in a battle against Jack Miller and Aleix Espargaró for third position that left an indelible mark on the Andalusian track.

However, the rider from Cervera was unable to win against Aleix's Aprilia and had to settle for fourth place at the Jerez Circuit – Ángel Nieto. Minutes before the end of the test, Marc Márquez made a save that will remain, for posterity, on the Andalusian track.

"I think Marc Márquez did a good job," Alberto Puig introduced in an interview published by the team. "It has not been an easy weekend, it has cost us a bit, but Marc [Márquez] has achieved a good result with an exciting race".

After a weekend to forget in Portimao, this result is encouraging for the Japanese team. Now, the team sets its sights on Le Mans, the destination to which they will set course to compete in the French Grand Prix on May 15.

"We are working to fix the points of the bike that still do not work and this process is underway," Puig evaluated.

"We had an important test that will allow us to better understand the new bike because, of course, Marc [Márquez]'s objective is not to finish fourth or sixth, his objective, and also that of the Repsol Honda team, is to win races and titles. It's the only goal."

Before embarking on the trip to French lands, the Repsol Honda Team held a test session in Jerez, where Marc Márquez and the brand with the golden wing had three RC213V 2022 prototypes.

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