SportMotoGPAleix Espargaró: "You don't have to go crazy, but...

Aleix Espargaró: "You don't have to go crazy, but this year we can do something big"

After his podium in Qatar, Aleix Espargaró had been warning that this could indeed be Aprilia’s great year in MotoGP, getting the first pole position for Noale’s house since his return to MotoGP.

“I am very happy for all the people at Aprilia, everything that little by little we are achieving is brutal, every time we achieve something they tell me that it is historic, that it is the first time, and that is exciting and makes me feel very proud, It’s not easy where we come from, fighting with Honda, Ducati or Yamaha is not easy, but little by little the results are coming in, I’m happy but very focused because it’s tomorrow that they give the points”, warned the man from Granollers.

An Espargaró that adds 200 grand prizes in a very long career and that is just now experiencing its best moment.

“I’ve lived through everything, I’ve had a great time, I’ve grown up here, today I was talking about it with Fermín Aldeguer, he wasn’t born when I made my debut in Valencia, so imagine how long I’ve been here, the bikes have given me everything, and Aprilia more, it’s my second family, things go as they go and I’ve always been a hard-working rider and for whatever reason my best moment has come now”.

Although at no time did the emotion overflow, Aleix did want to remember his wife Laura, and their children Max and Mia.

“I want to dedicate this pole position to my wife who couldn’t come, and to my children, thanks to her I do what I’m doing”.

In addition to Aleix, his teammate Maverick Viñales also had a good Saturday.

“I’m happy, before starting the goal was pole, I’m not going to lie to you, but I’m very satisfied with the pace and that the bike works very well, normally there’s a lot of equality between the riders, but here I think we’re a little step behind up front, there aren’t many riders with a good pace”, he revealed.

Now, to think about a victory…

“We must not go crazy, the championship is very long, we must use our heads, we must score many points and this does not end here on Sunday, if we play our cards well we can reach Valencia with options to do something very big, like this that tomorrow you have to use your head”.

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