SportMotoGPAlex Márquez: "From the outside, not even a quarter...

Alex Márquez: "From the outside, not even a quarter of what Marc has gone through has been seen"

Always attentive and exquisitely polite, even when they insistently ask him more about his brother than about his status as a MotoGP rider, Alex Márquez returned to the media after a new bombshell, the announcement of a fourth operation in less than two years to which Marc Márquez will undergo next week in the United States, an intervention that will leave the Honda rider out of competition for the rest of the season.

Without a doubt, information that fell like a bomb and left the paddock in shock.

“I’m not in shock because I already knew (laughs), and that it was going to be a bomb, I also knew, but as Marc has said, they have been looking at it, they have tried to do it in the past, but then they did not see it clearly. doctors. He has tried as a pilot, knowing the limitations he had. I am impressed with what he has done so far, he is to take his hat off, he has tried, stubborn, he has fallen a thousand times and has continued. Hopefully with this operation Don’t be so heavy at home with your shoulder (he was joking) and these pains that he suffers go away so that, in some way, he can return to a more normal life, “explained Alex after hearing the news.

For the youngest of the Márquez, right now, the most important thing is that Marc recover his normal life.

“The most important thing now is to go back to your life before and that in your normal day-to-day life, not only on a motorcycle, in your ‘civilian’ life, you don’t have to live with pain.”

After a long career of successes, victories and championships, Marc Márquez has had all his bad luck suddenly in these last two years.

“Many factors have come together, it is something that can happen, you have a bad run, he has had it in injuries and other drivers can have it in results. It is the life of the athlete, we are all exposed to it”.

There is no one on this planet closer to Marc than his brother Alex, who has had to suffer, indirectly, during all this time, the rider’s injuries, trying to help and encourage him day by day.

“At this time I have not had to encourage him, because as he has said, this operation is good news. Yesterday (Friday) we were alone in the motorhome, he and I, and we were happy, we laughed and joked, that if the saw, that if the other… in the end it is good news. The doctor has seen it clearly and this is the best for him and for everyone. Not only for his life as a pilot, but also, above all, so that he can return to a normal life” He insisted on that point.


People who are not in Marc’s day-to-day life can hardly imagine what the rider has been through in the last two years.

“It is impossible, not even a quarter of what has happened has been seen. From the outside, people are free to give their opinion and say what they think, but if you are not inside you do not know what the truth is. There has been a lot of opinion, but from the inside I assure you that not a quarter of what has been seen is what there is,” he revealed, before highlighting “his attitude and how he deals with his problems.”

Alex is still Marc’s little brother and therefore has his emotional part in this whole situation.

“Marc has suffered a lot so far, if an operation can make all these pains that he suffers go away, it is very good news as a brother. I want to see him stop taking anti-inflammatories and suffering. For me personally, it is very good news and , I’m sure, it’s something very positive for the whole family”, settled the LCR-Honda driver.

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