SportF1Alonso gets rid of the sanction after his encounter...

Alonso gets rid of the sanction after his encounter with Hamilton

Free practice for the 2022 Formula 1 Spanish Grand Prix was proceeding as normal, with the teams testing the updates they had introduced to their cars.

As the drivers headed into the last half hour of FP1, Fernando Alonso took to the track to find the ideal set-up for his Alpine, but just as he was about to complete the third sector he blocked Lewis Hamilton’s path.

In the television broadcast, the Spaniard’s conversation with his team could be heard, as they were discussing the tire decision. The French set up a medium compound for Alonso, while the two-time world champion preferred a soft to attempt a qualifying simulation in hot conditions.

The Briton, for his part, was in the middle of his fast lap with a set of soft tires, he even had to take a slightly different route than the ideal one, touching the gravel, so as not to impact the A522 of the Spaniard. Despite placing fourth at the time, he fell far short of his team-mate and the leaders, later dropping a few positions when Alonso himself slipped into the standings.

After this action, the stewards decided to start an investigation between Hamilton and Alonso , but when the second free practice sessions were taking place on Friday afternoon, the FIA announced that it would not take action on the matter, and the Spaniard would only receive a reprimand .

“The stewards reviewed the video evidence and determined that the driver of car 14 was driving slowly on the racing line between turn 12 and turn 13, and unnecessarily impeded car 44, forcing car 44 to take emergency action. evasion”, expressed the document of the international federation.

“In accordance with the drivers’ request for the stewards to apply the lockout during FP1 and FP2 this season, the stewards issue a reprimand. Competitors are reminded that they have the right to appeal certain decisions by the stewards, according to the article. 15 of the FIA International Sporting Code and Chapter 4 of the FIA Judicial and Disciplinary Regulations, within the established deadlines,” the statement said.

In this way, the two-time champion accumulates his first notice of the year, although he must be careful, since with five of these reprimands he would be sanctioned with ten positions on the grid. In addition, the man from Oviedo accumulates five points on his super license after the incidents in Miami, and if he reaches twelve, he would be left out of the next race, something that, for the moment, has never happened in Formula 1.

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