SportF1Alonso highlights the three best moments of his 2021...

Alonso highlights the three best moments of his 2021 in F1

After spending two seasons away from the highest category of motorsport, Alonso made the decision to return to Formula 1 in 2021 and, despite some doubts in the early stages of the campaign, the Asturian managed to show that he has not lost that talent that has characterized him for so many years.

The Spanish driver from Alpine could only score five points in the first five races, but from the Azerbaijan GP everything changed. From that moment, Alonso was able to finish in the points zone in 13 of the last 17 races played, adding 76 more points to his locker, numbers that allowed him to close the season in tenth position.

An example of his good course was the third place achieved in the Qatar Grand Prix in the final stretch of the season, since it was the first time that Alonso climbed to the podium since the 2014 Hungarian GP, when he was still a member of the ranks of the Ferrari team.

However, that has not been the best moment of the season for the Spanish rider, although he is in his top 3 accompanied by two other races that were also very special and sentimental for different reasons.

Alonso’s three best moments in F1 2021:

  1. “First, Esteban’s win. I know I didn’t win, but it still felt like an amazing moment for the team. Everyone was so happy and I was so proud of everyone at Alpine, so yeah… The win at Hungary”.
  2. “The second has to be my podium in Qatar, I had been waiting a long time for that podium, so that will be my second best moment of the year.”
  3. “And third… I will say it was Bahrain, the first race I was very excited about, I went back to Formula 1 with the team, there was a little bit of extra pressure because a lot of eyes were on us, in that first race. So Bahrain was very special too.”

Video: Alonso explains the highlights of 2021 in Formula 1:


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