SportMotoGPAprilia announces the date of its presentation of its...

Aprilia announces the date of its presentation of its MotoGP in 2022

The team led by Aleix Espargaró and Maverick Viñales will show their RS-GP on February 10. 24 hours after the presentation of KTM with its Tech3 satellite structure, the Aprilia team has set a date for one of the most important moments of the preseason.

Aprilia is one of the teams that has been hardest hit when it comes to announcing its coming-out, and through a post on the official team’s social networks, the details of this event have been revealed. Four days of margin will separate his presentation from the first preseason test, scheduled for February 5 and 6.


So far, 2021 has been one of the best years for the team, with the arrival of Maverick Viñales and his driver Aleix Espargaró in eighth place in the qualifying table. The rider from Granollers got the first podium in the brand’s history in the premier class and, for his part, Maverick Viñales finished the year with an eighth position as the best result.


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