SportMotoGPAprilia marks package with a 1-2 in the warm...

Aprilia marks package with a 1-2 in the warm up in Italy

Mugello.- Aleix Espargaró assured on Saturday that he had the clear intention of going for victory this Sunday at the MotoGP Italian Grand Prix and the Spaniard took the first step to build that ambitious result by leading the warm-up session on Sunday of the morning, setting a best time of 1.46.976, just ahead of his teammate, Maverick Viñales, who finished 0.140 working many laps alongside Aleix and completing a one-two for the Italian house in a weekend where Ducati has shown his muscle but Aprilia is willing to spoil the Bologna party.

Marco Bezzecchi finished third, the first Ducati, with Johann Zarco fourth and Takaaki Nakagami fifth and first Honda. Pecco Bagnaia, one of the clear candidates to fight for victory, was sixth, ahead of Luca Marini, the two Suzukis of Alex Rins and Joan Mir, closing the top 10 a new Ducati, that of Australian Jack Miller.

Enea Bastianini finished 11th just ahead of Marc Márquez, who after taking the training session calmly, managed to close a decent lap in the final part to climb positions. Pol Espargaró finished 15th, with Jorge Martín 18th and the world leader, Fabio Quartararo, who is being seen to suffer more than usual this weekend, with only the 20th fastest time, 0.944 behind Aleix.

Classification of the Warm Up of MotoGP:

Cla # Pilot Motorcycle laps Weather Difference Interval Km/h Top speed
1 41 Spain Aleix Espargaró April 11 1’46,976 176,506 0
2 12 SpainMaverick Viñales Aprilia 11 1’47.116 0.140 0.140 176.276 0
3 72 Italy Marco Bezzecchi Ducati 10 1’47.233 0.257 0.117 176,083 0
4 5 France Johann Zarco Ducati 11 1’47.246 0.270 0.013 176,062 0
5 30 Japan Takaaki Nakagami Honda 11 1’47.414 0.438 0.168 175,787 0
6 63 Italy Pecco Bagnaia Ducati 9 1’47.460 0.484 0.046 175.711 0
7 10 Italy Luca Marini Ducati 9 1’47.482 0.506 0.022 175,675 0
8 42 SpainAlex Rins Suzuki 11 1’47.502 0.526 0.020 175.643 0
9 36 SpainJoan Mir Suzuki 11 1’47.560 0.584 0.058 175.548 0
10 43 Australia Jack Miller Ducati 11 1’47.629 0.653 0.069 175,435 0

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