SportMotoGPBinder believes that some forget how difficult it is...

Binder believes that some forget how difficult it is to go to MotoGP

South African rider Darryn Binder this year became the second rider in history to go directly from Moto3 to MotoGP . The interest of RNF Racing prevented him from having to go through the intermediate category, to jump directly on a 2021 Yamaha M1 . He is only preceded by Jack Miller, who had made his debut in the premier class in the 2015 season.

Brad Binder’s younger brother has had a difficult first half of the campaign, but has had occasion to show his speed. In Indonesia, under heavy rain, he managed to cross the finish line in tenth position, and at the Catalunya GP, this time in the dry, he climbed to 12th place.

When the championship reached the summer break, Binder equaled his teammate Andrea Dovizioso in the general classification, both with 10 points. Looking back, Binder believes that the fans of the championship do not take into account how big the leap from Moto3 to MotoGP is.

“Sometimes I have the impression that they forget a little, but only a little,” he says. “It’s been a big jump. When you get a good result, you’re expected to keep going, but sometimes you have to take a step back to get everything under control and keep improving.”

“I think that’s what happened at the Sachsenring. He came from Barcelona, he had scored points, he was doing well, he had gone faster in practice, he had closed the gap with the first in all the sessions… week feeling good, but I messed it up in qualifying.

“You want to improve, but sometimes you have to remind yourself that it’s a big jump and the category is very close. If you’re a second slower, you fall behind.”

“Sometimes I have to remind myself that I’m going to have to take a step back in order to keep improving.”


Binder rates his first half of the year “an eight out of ten”, given his accomplishments and lack of experience .

“I give it an eight because I think it’s a really big jump from Moto3, and I think some of my performances haven’t been too bad,” he adds.

“Obviously, there have been races where I’ve had to struggle, and at the Sachsenring I crashed. But overall, I think I’ve done a solid job that has allowed me to close the gap on the frontrunners.”

“In summary, I give it an eight [to the first half of the season]. But there were some races that could be improved. In America, for example, I wasn’t doing too well, and the bike ended up failing.”

“In Le Mans I was also a bit lost, and it took me a while to understand the problem and find the line to follow. But, except for those cases, I think it has been good.”

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