NewsBritish royal family confirmed: Prince Charles only met Corona...

British royal family confirmed: Prince Charles only met Corona – Queen “recently”.

Prince Charles has tested positive for Corona, but his wife Camilla is not infected. Now, however, there is concern for the Queen.

Update from Thursday, February 10th, 2022, 5:37 p.m .: Prince Charles was infected with the Covid-19 for the second time. The Queen’s eldest son met Queen Elizabeth II “recently”, the PA news agency reported, citing a palace source. However, the monarch has not shown any symptoms so far. The Queen is regularly tested for Corona. Camilla is not infected, Clarence House said.

London: Events postponed after Prince Charles was infected with corona

First report from Thursday, February 10th, 2022, 2:08 p.m .: London – The British heir to the throne Prince Charles (73) has again tested positive for the corona virus and has gone into self-isolation. This was announced by Clarence House on Twitter.

The Prince of Wales received the positive Corona result * on Thursday morning (February 10th, 2022) and then postponed a visit to Winchester, according to the palace. He is trying to make up for the visit. On Wednesday evening (February 9th, 2022) Charles and his wife Duchess Camilla (74) attended a reception at the British Museum in London.

Corona case in the British royal family: Prince Charles infected again

It is the second corona infection for Prince Charles. The 73-year-old heir to the throne had already contracted Covid-19 at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. He had shown only mild symptoms at the time. How the heir to the throne is currently doing was not initially known.

At the end of January, an appearance by Prince Charles on a reality show caused astonished faces*. (sne/dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

List of rubrics: © Henry Nicholls/dpa

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