LivingCesarean province: a pioneering initiative of the Vall d'Hebron...

Cesarean province: a pioneering initiative of the Vall d'Hebron Hospital

We talk about skin-to-skin contact with the baby from minute zero, that the father or the companion can cut the umbilical cord, that mother can breastfeed in the same operating room and that she even helps her baby to be born … And many other innovations in the protocol for these interventions that further humanize childbirth and give women the leading role. That is the goal to be achieved, according to WHO recommendations.

To better understand this new project, called Caesarean section , in which the Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona is an international pioneer, we spoke with Dr. Elena Carreras , head of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the center and promoter of this initiative.

Pioneering initiative

As Dr. Carreras explains, “the idea arose at the request of mothers, who asked us to choose their delivery and enjoy the birth of their children , even if it was in an operating room.”

In the United States, for example, they are already working on ‘family caesarean sections’ or ‘humanized’ that allow the presence of the father and offer a more personalized delivery, but it is the first time that all the possibilities have been developed together and a specific protocol has been developed to facilitate that immediate contact between parents and baby. “Although it has only been running for two months, behind there is a previous job of about two years,” he clarifies.

“In fact – he adds – the term ‘caesarean section’ is the merit of a mother . I asked him to name the cesarean section that we had just performed, because it was the first. “

What is a provincal cesarean section

It is a surgical intervention and therefore safety for the baby and the mother should be paramount. Furthermore, “ cesarean section should only be performed when strictly necessary , not by protocols. But from there they can afford licenses ”, explains the promoter of the idea.

  • As it is a surgery, the woman must wear electrodes. They are placed on the back, not the chest.
  • The heart rate monitor, also necessary, can be worn on the toe instead of the hand.
  • The same happens with the pressure magnet, which is located on one leg and not on the arm.
  • The three-step key to administer medication by line if necessary is close to the drip, so as not to have to constantly manipulate the mother’s hand when she is holding her child.

  • The curtain is removed and the mother can see how her child is born and even help to take him out and take him in her arms.

  • She can be accompanied at all times and the father or whoever she wants can cut the umbilical cord when it stops beating.

  • And throughout the birth, with the music and the light that the mother decides.
  • From a medical point of view the difference is that the obstetrician wears long gloves up to the armpits, of a larger size, on top of the normal ones to work with the parents. Once the family is happy with their newborn, the medical team draws the curtain, removes the extra gloves, and continues with the surgical development.

All are benefits in humanized childbirth

International studies show that humanized caesarean section is no less safe: there is no more risk of bleeding, infections or other types of complications, and instead mothers feel much better cared for and enjoy their delivery.

According to Dr. Elena Carreras, taking care of the emotional aspect of cesarean section and favoring the bond has many advantages. The most immediate:

  • Makes breastfeeding easier. Traditionally, in caesarean sections, milk takes longer to come out, but by putting the baby to the breast from minute zero, it is established as in a vaginal delivery.

  • The mother is happier and transmits that positive emotion to her son.

The head of Obstetrics at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital feels very satisfied with the reaction of the mothers in the two months that this project has been running, but assures that she is not surprised “because we already expected it.”

What does stand out “is the great reception it has had among professionals. It takes more effort, but the parents are so happy that they encourage the doctors and make them feel satisfied. It has been a long process, but it has been worth it ”.

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