EntertainmentGamesClassic 'Prince of Persia' Comes to Wii and Nintendo...

Classic 'Prince of Persia' Comes to Wii and Nintendo 3DS Next Thursday

Friends: ‘Prince of Persia’ is back . Relax, it is not a new version full of color in which the death of the protagonist is something almost impossible to achieve no matter how hard we put in, but the classic, the ‘Prince of Persia’ of always, the one in which to die crossed For a lot of skewers it is easier than it seems. It will also do it twice on two Nintendo machines.

On the one hand, through the Wii Virtual Console, we will be able to buy the version of the ‘Prince of Persia’ that came out a good handful of years ago for the Super NES . It is true that this port has a lot of new features compared to the original title, such as a number of levels almost double, but it is still the classic. The price of this version will be 800 points .

On the other hand, we can get hold of the ‘Prince of Persia’ from the GameBoy Color on our Nintendo 3DS for 5 euros . Obviously this version is a little lower than the extended port of the Super NES for the Wii, but it sure lets you play the sea of well. Both titles will be available through their respective channels this week, specifically next Thursday , January 19 .

PS: the video belongs to the version for Super NES .

Video | Youtube
Via | Eurogamer

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