We all know that the future of work is already upon us. Today we face an environment of business transformation and radical changes in the way we work. We live in a time of drastic change for people where the lines between work and personal life have blurred and, more than ever, we look to our organizations for a sense of stability, community and purpose.
As human beings, we are in a mode of deep self-reflection. We are all taking advantage of this moment to reevaluate our paths and reinvent who we are, who we want to be and where we want to go.
This future demands more agility, resiliency, and alignment as priorities change, skills advance, and goals evolve; it requires a significant shift in organizational mindset, as we partner to build deeper connections with each other and unite around a shared sense of purpose and community.
At the same time, according to the World Economic Forum, 54% of jobs will require a significant change or upskilling in the coming years. Consequently, about 40% of employees will need to update their skills in the next six months to perform at their jobs and help the company prosper. Updating and developing new skills in an entire staff of collaborators in such a short time represents a major challenge for any organization.
Under this scenario, Cornerstone OnDemand Inc., a leader in adaptive Human Resources solutions, has launched Cornerstone Xplor, a platform designed to help organizations prepare for the future by achieving transformational reskilling at scale, improving talent mobility, accelerating employee growth opportunities, thus creating a more agile and resilient workforce.
Technology and digitization are essential in the direction of the future; however, the pandemic has reminded us that people are still the essence of companies. That is why Cornerstone OnDemand provides tools that integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data science to drive the development and growth of people.
“Work is changing rapidly. Changing technologies demand new skills. Economies, environments and even political changes are increasing the complexity and pace of change. People are looking for a career path and an opportunity to change their lives, to develop new skills, new careers, and find acceptance, purpose, belonging, and above all, being able to quickly adapt to these changes. At the same time, organizations need to identify and develop the necessary skills to stay competitive in the new changing work environment”, comments César Ortuño, Vice President of Cornerstone OnDemand for Mexico and Latin America.
According to a McKinsey report, many HR managers are looking for ways to foster a “back to human” model that focuses on people and addresses their experience in a more targeted and dynamic way.
“Today companies need a fundamental change towards a more human approach to work, with strategies and tools designed for growth and collective success to adapt, succeed and grow together, organizations and collaborators. With our solutions, organizations can promote the development of a more agile, collaborative, resilient and future-ready workforce, by connecting people with their own growth”, says César Ortuño.
Organizations must know precisely what each employee is currently capable of doing, what skills they have, which ones they need to develop and which ones they want to acquire. By linking this information with job descriptions and development plans, the organization will know what skills candidates need when recruiting them, but also what career development opportunities are offered to employees, as well as the relevant training needed to qualify. that the team reaches its professional and business objectives.
César Ortuño Suárez, who participated as a keynote speaker at the 6th Latin American Congress of Technology and Business América Digital, explained that there are three ways in which companies can expand opportunities for developing skills for their leaders and work teams:
One of them is through Artificial Intelligence, which can detect possible skills gaps, the capabilities of employees, as well as collect and process elements such as learning programs to know how employees are progressing and recommend personalized learning opportunities.
Another is to facilitate communication between managers and employees, since Ortuño mentions that in an investigation they carried out on the state of skills, they observed that, although 90% of employers felt confident in their ability to develop the skills of their staff , only 60% of employees thought the same. Collaborators need a personalized strategy that meets the tastes and preferences of each person to maximize the consumption of learning content.
The third is to foster a culture of continuous learning that is integrated into each person’s workflow and available when and how it is needed, with relevant content and easy consumption in a fully integrated experience.
“As leaders in people development, at Cornerstone we are constantly committed to helping organizations adapt to constant change and reduce their digital divide. Cornerstone Xplor, the company’s latest innovation, represents a new vision focused on revolutionizing the way people and teams will learn, grow, connect and thrive in the new world of work. It is a comprehensive personal growth experience that offers an integrated and hyper-personalized journey of learning, skills development and professional mobility for each collaborator”, concludes Ortuño.
Cornerstone empowers the future-ready workforce with adaptive HR solutions designed to bring technology, data and content together to inspire a growing, agile and successful workplace for all. With an AI-powered, skills engine-based system designed for the contemporary workforce, we help organizations modernize their learning and development experience, deliver the most relevant content from anywhere, accelerate talent and career mobility and to establish skills as the universal language of growth and success throughout the company. Cornerstone serves more than 6,000 customers and 75 million users and is available in 180 countries and 50 languages.
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