LivingCoronavirus and breastfeeding: what precautions to take if you...

Coronavirus and breastfeeding: what precautions to take if you are breastfeeding your baby

There are many doubts that arise around the new coronavirus (COVID-19). We have already talked about how the coronavirus affects babies and children, in whom fortunately the infection is mild, what happens in pregnancy, and another question that we want to clear is related to breastfeeding. What happens if a mom is infected with coronavirus and breastfeeds her baby? Is there a risk of transmission?

The answer is that it is recommended to continue breastfeeding by taking the necessary preventive measures .

Breast milk is food, but it is also immunity. The mother’s immune system produces antibodies to fight infection, and this protection against infection is transferred to the breastfed baby through breast milk.

Is it safe for a coronavirus infected mother to breastfeed her baby?

We have turned to the main authorities on the matter and they all agree on the recommendation to continue breastfeeding. From Unicef they explain to us that:

Considering the benefits of breastfeeding and the low relevance of breast milk in the context of the transmission of other respiratory viruses, the mother can continue to breastfeed her baby as long as she takes all necessary precautions.

The WHO defends that:

“Mothers and babies should be able to stay together and practice skin-to-skin contact, kangaroo mother care and stay together and practice joint accommodation during the day and night, especially immediately after birth during the establishment of breastfeeding. , whether they or the infants are probable or confirmed COVID-19 cases. “

From La Liga de la Leche they also recommend continuing to breastfeed the baby in the event of a coronavirus infection due to the immunity that is provided.

Those who become infected shortly before giving birth and then begin to breastfeed, and those who become infected during lactation, will produce specific antibodies to secretory IgA and many other important immunological factors in their milk to protect infants and enhance their immune responses. . At that time, immune factors will help the infant’s body to respond more effectively to exposure and / or infection. Practicing good hygiene habits will also help reduce the transfer of the virus. If someone who is breastfeeding becomes ill, it is very important not to stop direct breastfeeding.

From, specialized in analyzing the risks for breastfeeding of more than 28 thousand terms, they also tell us that the risk is very low for breastfeeding and it is recommended not to interrupt it .

For its part, the Spanish Society of Neonatology, which initially advised not to breastfeed for the first 14 days in cases of infected mothers, later changed the recommendations and in its latest revision (version 5.0) for the management of the newborn recommends:

“Even though there is not enough data to make a firm recommendation on breastfeeding in the case of women infected by SARS-CoV-2, it is important to insist that breastfeeding provides many benefits, such as the potential passage of mother-child antibodies against SARS -CoV-2, for this reason and in view of the current evidence, SENeo recommends maintaining breastfeeding from birth , as long as the clinical conditions of the Newborn and his mother allow it “.

What precautionary measures must be taken?

Mothers who are infected, suspect that they might be infected or have symptoms, but are well enough to breastfeed their baby, should, according to UNICEF indications:

  • Wear a mask when breastfeeding the baby (or whenever you are near the baby).
  • Wash your hands before and after breastfeeding the baby (or having contact with the baby).
  • Clean or disinfect surfaces that may be contaminated.

Of course, this in addition to taking the recommended prevention measures for the entire population such as covering with the elbow when sneezing or coughing, avoiding touching the face with the hands, washing the hands frequently and using disposable tissues for single use.

Unicef specifies that if a mother is very ill and cannot directly breastfeed her baby, “it is recommended that the milk be expressed to give it to the baby in a cup and / or with a clean spoon, following the same preventive measures at all times. of infection “.

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