LivingCovering yourself to breastfeed your baby: the request from...

Covering yourself to breastfeed your baby: the request from the KLM airline that has sown controversy

Covering for breastfeeding in order to “ensure that passengers of all origins feel comfortable on board .” This is how the Dutch airline KLM replied on Twitter to a woman’s question about the company’s policy towards breastfeeding.

Curiously, two days before this response, another Californian mother denounced the same airline on social networks, after experiencing an uncomfortable episode on board a plane when a flight attendant told her that she should cover herself if she wanted to breastfeed . User criticism has not been long in coming.

“We could ask the mother to cover herself to breastfeed”

“Breastfeeding is allowed on KLM flights. However, to ensure that all of our passengers from all backgrounds feel comfortable on board, we may request that the mother cover herself while breastfeeding , in case other passengers are offended. thus”.

With this forceful message, the airline KLM responded to a woman’s question about the company’s policy on breastfeeding . Logically, the criticisms of Twitter users did not wait, starting with the mother who had raised the question:

“Do you think it is acceptable to ask a mother to cover her child while feeding? Why would breastfeeding make someone ‘offended’? I’m very curious how feeding a baby could be considered offensive “.

Other users supported the mother by denouncing the archaic policy of the airline, and urging those responsible for the company to reconsider the natural fact of breastfeeding a baby , something that in no case should be considered offensive or worthy of hiding.

“Explain why all passengers should be comfortable except the mother and the feeding baby. If a passenger is not comfortable with breastfeeding, why not ask him to cover himself or move? Shame on KLM! I’ll never fly with you again. “

“This is outrageous, KLM. This is not the way to be fair. You are pleasing those who want to control women’s behavior by prioritizing your feelings over raising a baby.”

“You need to change your perspective, KLM. Anyone who claims to be ‘offended’ by breastfeeding is sexualizing the mother’s breast . Don’t be fooled by these types of people and tell them that they should look away and take care of their own matters “.

How dare they “allow” breastfeeding? No mother should have to ask permission to feed her children . I don’t have children, so I can’t imagine how difficult it can be to fly with a baby and have to breastfeed on the flight, but I would be ashamed to have to fly with you in the future with such a comment. “

Faced with the barrage of criticism received, the company continued to publish new messages in order to try to soften the tension generated . But far from rectifying its position, the airline’s comments continued in the same direction, and user complaints were also on the rise.

“We do not want the mothers of our youngest passengers to feel judged by something that is the most natural thing in the world. That is why our cabin crew could suggest options to moms in order to guarantee some privacy when it comes to feed your children “

“What would the options be? Moving mother and baby to first class? A sleep mask for the ‘offended’ passenger?”

“Are you being serious? Do you realize that the problem is with the” offended “passenger? Why should a mother who feeds her child be molested and humiliated? However, you continue to insist on supporting those who have a problem with this topic. “

The previous complaint of a Californian mother

Two days before the controversy that emerged on Twitter, Shelby Angel, a Californian mother, also denounced the policy of this same airline regarding breastfeeding, after having suffered an uncomfortable situation while breastfeeding her baby on the plane .

According to her own account on her Facebook account, last June she was flying with her one-year-old daughter on a KLM flight that covered the San Francisco-Amsterdam route. In order to calm her daughter and help her sleep, Shelby began to breastfeed her, but a few minutes later a flight attendant came up to her with a blanket and told her that if she wanted to continue breastfeeding she should cover herself .

The mother refused to cover her baby , and the airline staff reproached her that in that case, if any passenger was offended, she should solve the problem herself.

“I issue a warning to all nursing mothers: do not fly with KLM! A month ago, I was flying with my one-year-old baby on a KLM flight from San Francisco to Amsterdam. It was my third flight with my little girl. I was breastfeeding her, because the breast calms her down, helps her sleep and makes her feel comfortable. But my daughter does not like to eat covered, and although I do my best to breastfeed discreetly, my baby does not he always makes it easy for me. “

“Immediately a flight attendant appeared with a blanket, and said verbatim:” If you want to continue breastfeeding, you have to cover yourself. “I refused because my daughter does not like to be covered. I think that would irritate her almost as much as not being able to suckle. So the stewardess warned me that if someone complained it would be my problem, and as such I should solve it. “

“No one complained. In fact, no one has ever complained on any of the flights that I have taken with my baby , except this flight attendant. She was tremendously uncomfortable and I felt that I had been disrespected. When we got home I reported the facts to the public. company, but they told me that their mission was to respect passengers of all cultures, and that the flight attendant’s response was in line with company policy. “

“So instead of defending and protecting breastfeeding and babies, they coerce us into traveling with our nursing children. I think KLM has old-fashioned values, which makes us women ashamed of our bodies.”

“It has taken me time to write these lines, because I have never received such harsh criticism about the type of parenting that I carry out with my daughter . Therefore, I hope that people who have to fly with their nursing babies do so on board an airline that respects their bodily autonomy and their right to care for their children as they see fit. “

Cover a baby while feeding? Really?

It seems incredible that in the 21st century there are still people who see inappropriate for a mother to breastfeed her baby in public. But unfortunately it continues to happen, and it is not the first time that we echo similar stories.

There are few cases that we have known of mothers who are expelled from public places such as restaurants, swimming pools or airplanes for breastfeeding their babies. Or, like this case, mothers who are asked to cover up while breastfeeding.

No one would like to eat under a blanket or with their faces covered, so why are mother and baby asked to do so? What is improper or obscene about breastfeeding?

Judging by the comments that have been raised on Twitter on this issue, there are still those who support the airline’s policy (although fortunately, there are very few). And there are people who continue to consider ugly, inappropriate or provocative the fact that a mother breastfeeds her baby when and where it is necessary.

But the truth is that breastfeeding should be protected by everyone , and mothers should never feel humiliated or reprimanded for breastfeeding their babies in public. In addition, and above any opinion, the well-being of the child, his diet and his rest should come first.

Undoubtedly, the problem is the offended person and the eyes with which he looks at an act of love as pure, necessary and natural as breastfeeding.

Photo | iStock

Via | The confidential

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