FunNature & AnimalCuriosities about water that perhaps you did not know

Curiosities about water that perhaps you did not know

Every March 22, World Water Day is celebrated. This celebration started on March 22, 1993 thanks to the United Nations General Assembly. Precisely, the UN established this day to honor this fundamental resource, since fresh drinking water is one of the most valuable gifts of nature and there are billions of people who do not have access to safe drinking water every day.

The theme of World Water Day 2022 is “Groundwater: making the invisible visible”.

Despite its importance in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem, groundwater remains invisible, but it represents a vital natural resource that provides drinking water to almost half of the world’s population , according to the United Nations . It is a day to consider the impact of clean water in the world and make a difference. Especially considering that many people waste or abuse water because they tend to think only of what it costs in monetary terms and not that it is a very valuable resource that we should not take lightly and to which many people do not have access: 3 out of 10 people do not have access to water in the world.

Every year, World Water Day highlights a specific aspect of fresh water.

The latest World Water Day themes have been:

In 2021, World Water Day was about “Valuing water”.

In 2020, World Water Day was about “Water and climate change”.

In 2019, World Water Day was about “Leaving no one behind”.

In 2018, World Water Day was about “The answer is in nature”.

In 2017, World Water Day was about “Why waste water?

In 2016, World Water Day was about “Water and employment”.

In 2015, World Water Day was about “Water and sustainable development”.


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