EntertainmentGamesCyberpunk 2077 returns: of the more than 13 million...

Cyberpunk 2077 returns: of the more than 13 million units sold CD Projekt has only returned 30,000

In addition to knowing the sales comparison between The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, the recent meeting with the shareholders of CD Projekt has served to know to what extent the situation was complicated with that message about the returns of its last game.

If you remember, before the first criticisms from the public for the problems of Cyberpunk 2077 , CD Projekt went out in the open announcing that it would be responsible for returning all the copies that were claimed.

The situation, which created a certain conflict between the studio, the distributor and the stores, assure that it has resulted in the return of just 30,000 copies and a cost of just over 2 million dollars. A pittance when compared to the 13.7 million units sold for the game.

According to analyst Mike Futter, in the CD Projekt accounts there is a $ 51 million item marked as ” return forecast ” and sales adjustments that, if finally confirmed, would be much more than those two million that the company cites.

Returns that remain to be counted

It should be noted that CD Projekt has only talked about the returns made by the study with said program, but the figures from Microsoft and PlayStation have not transcended, which also allowed the return of units through their stores and even the game from PlayStation Store.

In addition, CD Projekt has only reached 95% of the returns demanded, and there is still another 5% that, despite being in process, seems to include more problems for their resolution.

Despite the bulky figure that is probably included between the returns of Microsoft and PlayStation – a figure that if it has not transpired we will probably never know – the truth is that CD Projekt has closed 2020 with record profits. The positive numbers are much higher than the negative ones, and it is something that a few months ago seemed difficult to forecast.

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