LivingDictionary of sexual paraphilias

Dictionary of sexual paraphilias

Human sexuality is complex and, of course, highly varied. Sexual attraction depends on a multitude of biochemical and psychological factors, which are very different from one person to another.

Specifically, human sexuality depends on various factors, such as biology, individual personality, sexual identity, or interactions in childhood, affections and life circumstances.

Trying to limit human sexuality to mere biology is not enough to understand and explain it, and a broader framework is needed.

According to the R4 of Psychology at the Infanta Sofía Hospital in Badajoz, Cristina Sánchez, “in human beings the biological influence is not so clear “. In fact, communication and early social learning are dominant in determining sexual behavior.

Furthermore, improper regulation of sex hormones reduces or increases the intensity of sexual desire; But if the levels are adequate, fluctuations in sexual desire depend much more on psychosocial stimuli.

“Sexuality goes beyond physical sex (pleasure + reproduction). It would include the ability to experience love towards certain objects, the establishment of intimacy, empathy, confidence with the object, reinforcement of one’s own personal identity, positive reinforcement and affective catalyst “, details the psychologist.

Given its variability, what defines a healthy sexuality is sometimes difficult to establish. However, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) gives us some clues to determine what is considered healthy sexual behavior and, on the contrary, what is considered pathological.

In fact, the term ‘paraphilia’ is defined by the Royal Academy of the Language as a ‘deviation’ of a sexual nature. But, how do you know which behaviors are paraphilias and which are not?

According to DSM-5, an ‘abnormal’ or ‘deviant’ sexual behavior would be one that:

– It is harmful to the subject or to those who are involved.

– Excludes stimulation of own genital organs and of the couple.

– It is inappropriately associated with feelings of guilt or anxiety.

– Has a repetitive or compulsive nature.

In any case, sexual behaviors, as long as they do not cause harm to the interested party or third parties, and as long as they do not pose an impediment to the healthy development of other areas of life, they should not pose a problem, nor generate fear or discomfort.

In fact, it is healthy and invigorating to experience them in health and freedom.

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