SportDjokovic breaks his silence and confirms that he will...

Djokovic breaks his silence and confirms that he will not be vaccinated

Novak Djokovic kept his word and broke the silence around the scandal that occurred in Australia last January, around his non-vaccination and subsequent deportation from the oceanic country, after being held for ten days. The still number one in the ATP ranking confirmed that he will continue without getting vaccinated despite the fact that this may cause him to miss more tournaments on the calendar, although at the same time he assured that he was not against those who have chosen to complete their schedule.

I could give up tournaments that force me to change my position on the vaccine, it is the price I am willing to pay,” assured Djokovic, who remains firm in his principles but trusts that the rules will change and that they will allow him “to continue playing many more years”.

Djokovic, who gave an interview to the BBC in which he reveals his opinion on vaccination, highlighted the reasons why he has not taken the doses and will not do so, even above his sports career. «The principles of my decision are based on the fact that my body is more important than any title . I try to be in tune with my body as much as I can.”

« I have never been against vaccination , as a child I received several vaccinations. But I have always defended the freedom to decide what you put in your body, “Novak highlighted on more than one occasion, in addition to ensuring that he is not a villain against the coronavirus. « We are all trying to find the best solution to end covid».

“I was sad and disappointed. What people do not know is that I was not deported for not being vaccinated or for breaking the rules , all of this was approved by the Ministry of Immigration and a court. The mistakes were not made on purpose,” he says, about the reason for his expulsion from Australia.

“The reason why I was deported is because the Ministry of Immigration canceled my visa on the grounds that it could create an anti-vaccine sentiment in the country or in the city, which I do not agree with at all,” Djokovic concluded, referring to your deportation.

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