SportDjokovic: vaccine or veto in half the world

Djokovic: vaccine or veto in half the world

Novak Djokovic is at serious risk of missing much of the season if he sticks to his decision not to get vaccinated. The Serbian, who already missed the last Australian Open and with it the 2,000 points in the ranking for his crown in 2021, could continue to be left out of the main tournaments on the circuit. In Indian Wells, despite appearing on the list of participants, vaccination is required to play the tournament and in Monte Carlo , where he has his residence, he has already been warned that the rules are the same for everyone.

Novak Djokovic has not played an official match since last December with the dispute of the Davis Cup finals. The Serbian could not play the Australian Open because he was not vaccinated, a personal decision that could cost him a good part of the season, since most tournaments require the complete vaccination schedule in order to play them.

The Serbian will reappear this February at the Dubai tournament, one of the few where no specific vaccination requirement is required. This tournament, of category 500, will be the official debut of the ATP number one in the season, but it is unknown when he will be able to play again in higher category tournaments. Djokovic appears registered in the Indian Wells Masters 1000, but the rules of the Californian tournament are very clear: full vaccination is required, and as far as is known to date, the Serbian remains unvaccinated.

Warning from Monte Carlo

The words of the director of the Montecarlo Masters 1000 , the first on clay -from April 10 to 17-, are not encouraging for Belgrade either. “If you are in order with respect to the sanitary conditions required by the French Government, we will be happy to receive you. It has to be in order. At the moment, as far as I know, he is not vaccinated, ”said Zeljko Franulovic, director of the Monegasque tournament.

Djokovic, whose residence is precisely in Monaco, is at risk of not being able to play a tournament in which he could score many points, since last year he fell in the round of 16. «To enter France the first rule is to be vaccinated. The ATP protocol also offers the possibility of delivering a contagion certificate one month before the start of the competition,” added Franulovic, who also recalled that everything “depends on him.”

With the current rules in France, Djokovic would be at the limit of being able to enter Monte Carlo, since a period of four months is established after having suffered the infection and the Serb presented a positive PCR dated December 16 in his attempt. to resolve his situation in Australia last month.

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