FunDoes car insurance cover damage caused by hail?

Does car insurance cover damage caused by hail?

This week the hail has caused great damage in different parts of the Spanish geography. Many cars have been affected, so now the question that owners are asking is whether the insurance covers damage caused by hail .

Hail damage and car insurance

The first thing is to review the policy you have contracted. It will show if you have the right to claim hail coverage or not. Generally speaking, the full risk insurance does cover damages since these are part of the “meteorological phenomena that occur due to collision of objects or impact”. In this case, the insurance company covers the cost of repairing the windows.

However, if it is a basic or third party insurance, the repair is not covered . In this case, the owner must be responsible for the expenses.

Insurance Compensation Consortium

Since July 1, 2016, all vehicles insured with a Civil Liability policy in Spain are covered by the Insurance Compensation Consortium for material damage caused by extraordinary risks.

So if insurance doesn’t take over, can the Insurance Compensation Consortium? The latter only covers damage that occurs as a result of an extraordinary phenomenon , that is, out of the ordinary. However, for it to be classified as such, it must be officially accredited, such as a tsunami or an earthquake.

Therefore, the Insurance Compensation Consortium is not responsible for the expenses derived from the repair of the car due to hail.

And at home?

Hail damage can also occur in the home, such as broken windows and blinds . In the same way that it happens with the car, it is necessary to have a multi-risk insurance contracted to enjoy coverage for material damage caused by atmospheric phenomena.

Another of the cases that can occur are floods . In general, insurance companies take charge of the expenses when the intensity of the rain exceeds 40 meters per square meter, although the parameter is specified in the policy itself.

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